やぶちゃんの電子テクスト 心朽窩 新館へ


The Aran Islands
Part I
by J. M. Synge
With drawings by Jack B. Yeats
Dublin, Maunsel & Co., Ltd.
ダブリン マウンセル社刊
附 やぶちゃん注

[やぶちゃん注:アイルランドの劇作家にして詩人であったジョン・ミリントン・シング (John Millington Synge 1871年~1909年)は、1898年から1902年にかけて4度、アイルランド島の西のゴールウェイ湾に浮かぶアラン諸島を訪れた。後に愛情に満ちた筆致でこの島に残るアイルランドの古形的民俗と人々の生活を活写したのが本作である(一冊に纏められた出版は1907年)。底本は一九三七年刊岩波文庫版を用いた。姉崎正見氏は東大附属図書館司書で昭和36(1961)年11月現職で逝去されている。従って著作権法五十一条により亡くなった翌年の1962年1月1日起算50年で、著作権保護期間は2010年1月1日までとなる。姉崎氏の没年については昨年年初に岩波書店に電話で直接確認をとってあるが、ネット上の記載でも確認が出来るので間違いない。冒頭に配された野上豊一郎の『「アラン島」について』も野上は昭和25(1950)年2月に逝去されているので、同じく著作権は消滅している。訳者によるポイント落ちの( )による割注は本文同ポイントで〔 〕示し、一部の踊り字は正字や「々」で示した。原則、底本の行空けのあるパートごとに(後半部には一部例外あり)訳文の後に原文を付し、更に私のオリジナルな注を附した。私は英語は苦手である。誤りや誤解があった場合は、御教授を乞う。底本の「口繪」に配されたシングがアラン島で撮った4枚の写真は底本のものを、原文及びイェイツの挿絵は“Intenet Sacred Text Archive”所収の“The Aran Islands by J. M. Synge”のものをそれぞれ用いた(冒頭の着色の一枚だけはイギリスの個人の方の蔵書から、同書の見開き扉絵の写真からを絵のみを切り取ったものである。万一、着色に著作権が生じている場合には削除する用意がある)。以上の写真と挿絵の配置は私の恣意によるもので(但し、写真については底本のキャプションにある『〇〇頁参照』という指示を勘案した)、挿絵の英語標題の訳は私が現代仮名遣・新字で附した。本頁は私のブログでの第一部の公開を経て、第一部全文を一括して作成したものである。――これを私と同じく母を失う聖痕(スティグマ)を受けた教え子に捧げる――【2011年3月10日 私の最愛の教え子の誕生日に】]

アラン島 シング作 姉崎正見譯


 「アラン島」(The Aran Islands)はシングの戯曲を讀む人にとつて、興味ある貴重な文獻である。何となれば、イェーツも言つたやうに、シングの藝術の本質を形づくる永遠な高貴なものは、彼がアラン群島のそこここに寄寓して、土地の人たちから古い物語を聞き、それを目の前に見る現實の生活と比較することに依つて體得したものであり、讀者にその製作經過を感じさせないでは措かない素材がその中には豐富に盛られてあるから。


緒  言


Author's Forword

The geography of the Aran Islands is very simple, yet it may need a word to itself. There are three islands: Aranmor, the north island, about nine miles long; Inishmaan, the middle island, about three miles and a half across, and nearly round in form; and the south island, Inishere--in Irish, east island,--like the middle island but slightly smaller. They lie about thirty miles from Galway, up the centre of the bay, but they are not far from the cliffs of County Clare, on the south, or the corner of Connemara on the north.
Kilronan, the principal village on Aranmor, has been so much changed by the fishing industry, developed there by the Congested Districts Board, that it has now very little to distinguish it from any fishing village on the west coast of Ireland. The other islands are more primitive, but even on them many changes are being made, that it was not worth while to deal with in the text.
In the pages that follow I have given a direct account of my life on the islands, and of what I met with among them, inventing nothing, and changing nothing that is essential. As far as possible, however, I have disguised the identity of the people I speak of, by making changes in their names, and in the letters I quote, and by altering some local and family relationships. I have had nothing to say about them that was not wholly in their favour, but I have made this disguise to keep them from ever feeling that a too direct use had been made of their kindness, and friendship, for which I am more grateful than it is easy to say.

[やぶちゃん注:「九哩」1mile は約1.6㎞。14.5㎞弱。
「繁華區域役所〔愛蘭土に於いて一八一九年移民に依つて起る借地問題を解決するために創設された役所〕」とあるが、この姉崎氏の割注の「一八一九年」は「一八九一年」の誤植であろう。原文“Congested Districts Board”は正確には“Congested Districts Board for Ireland”で、これは時のソールズベリー内閣のスコットランド長官であった保守党政治家アーサー・バルフォア(1848年~1930年)の肝煎りで創設された一種の社会改良団体で、アイルランドの貧困層の特に婦人の雇用促進などを図ったもの(後に首相となるが、彼はアイルランド自治権拡大要求には反対であった)。ネット上では「アイルランド密集地区委員会」などと訳されている。貧困地域を対象としたシステムであるから「繁華」という訳語は違和感がある。]

第 一 部



Part I

I AM IN Aranmor, sitting over a turf fire, listening to a murmur of Gaelic that is rising from a little public-house under my room.
The steamer which comes to Aran sails according to the tide, and it was six o'clock this morning when we left the quay of Galway in a dense shroud of mist.
A low line of shore was visible at first on the right between the movement of the waves and fog, but when we came further it was lost sight of, and nothing could be seen but the mist curling in the rigging, and a small circle of foam.
There were few passengers; a couple of men going out with young pigs tied loosely in sacking, three or four young girls who sat in the cabin with their heads completely twisted in their shawls, and a builder, on his way to repair the pier at Kilronan, who walked up and down and talked with me.
In about three hours Aran came in sight. A dreary rock appeared at first sloping up from the sea into the fog; then, as we drew nearer, a coast-guard station and the village.
A little later I was wandering out along the one good roadway of the island, looking over low walls on either side into small flat fields of naked rock. I have seen nothing so desolate. Grey floods of water were sweeping everywhere upon the limestone, making at limes a wild torrent of the road, which twined continually over low hills and cavities in the rock or passed between a few small fields of potatoes or grass hidden away in corners that had shelter. Whenever the cloud lifted I could see the edge of the sea below me on the right, and the naked ridge of the island above me on the other side. Occasionally I passed a lonely chapel or schoolhouse, or a line of stone pillars with crosses above them and inscriptions asking a prayer for the soul of the person they commemorated.
I met few people; but here and there a band of tall girls passed me on their way to Kilronan, and called out to me with humorous wonder, speaking English with a slight foreign intonation that differed a good deal from the brogue of Galway. The rain and cold seemed to have no influence on their vitality and as they hurried past me with eager laughter and great talking in Gaelic, they left the wet masses of rock more desolate than before.
A little after midday when I was coming back one old half-blind man spoke to me in Gaelic, but, in general, I was surprised at the abundance and fluency of the foreign tongue.
In the afternoon the rain continued, so I sat here in the inn looking out through the mist at a few men who were unlading hookers that had come in with turf from Connemara, and at the long-legged pigs that were playing in the surf. As the fishermen came in and out of the public-house underneath my room, I could hear through the broken panes that a number of them still used the Gaelic, though it seems to be falling out of use among the younger people of this village.
The old woman of the house had promised to get me a teacher of the language, and after a while I heard a shuffling on the stairs, and the old dark man I had spoken to in the morning groped his way into the room.
I brought him over to the fire, and we talked for many hours. He told me that he had known Petrie and Sir William Wilde, and many living antiquarians, and had taught Irish to Dr. Finck and Dr. Pedersen, and given stories to Mr. Curtin of America. A little after middle age he had fallen over a cliff, and since then he had had little eyesight, and a trembling of his hands and head.
As we talked he sat huddled together over the fire, shaking and blind, yet his face was indescribably pliant, lighting up with an ecstasy of humour when he told me anything that had a point of wit or malice, and growing sombre and desolate again when he spoke of religion or the fairies.
He had great confidence in his own powers and talent, and in the superiority of his stories over all other stories in the world. When we were speaking of Mr. Curtin, he told me that this gentleman had brought out a volume of his Aran stories in America, and made five hundred pounds by the sale of them.
'And what do you think he did then?' he continued; 'he wrote a book of his own stories after making that lot of money with mine. And he brought them out, and the divil a half-penny did he get for them. Would you believe that?'
Afterwards he told me how one of his children had been taken by the fairies.
One day a neighbor was passing, and she said, when she saw it on the road, 'That's a fine child.'
Its mother tried to say 'God bless it,' but something choked the words in her throat.
A while later they found a wound on its neck, and for three nights the house was filled with noises.
'I never wear a shirt at night,' he said, 'but I got up out of my bed, all naked as I was, when I heard the noises in the house, and lighted a light, but there was nothing in it.'
Then a dummy came and made signs of hammering nails in a coffin. The next day the seed potatoes were full of blood, and the child told his mother that he was going to America.
That night it died, and 'Believe me,' said the old man, 'the fairies were in it.'
When he went away, a little bare-footed girl was sent up with turf and the bellows to make a fire that would last for the evening.
She was shy, yet eager to talk, and told me that she had good spoken Irish, and was learning to read it in the school, and that she had been twice to Galway, though there are many grown women in the place who have never set a foot upon the mainland.

「脚長豚」原文“long-legged pigs”はそういう豚の品種ではないと思われる。所謂、子ブタや若い豚ではなく、親豚のことであろう。

 「もつと。」 私は答へた。
 彼等は優しさのこもつた非常に微妙な異國的な抑揚で話し、夏になると、ladies and gentlemins(御婦人や旦那さんたち)を近所の名所へ案内して、バンプーティーズ〔まだ鞣さない牛皮で造つた一種のスリッパ或は草鞋〕や岩の中に澤山ある孔雀齒朶を賣りつける話を、歌のやうな調子で話した。

The rain has cleared off, and I have had my first real introduction to the island and its people.
I went out through Killeany--the poorest village in Aranmor--to a long neck of sandhill that runs out into the sea towards the south-west. As I lay there on the grass the clouds lifted from the Connemara mountains and, for a moment, the green undulating foreground, backed in the distance by a mass of hills, reminded me of the country near Rome. Then the dun top-sail of a hooker swept above the edge of the sandhill and revealed the presence of the sea.
As I moved on a boy and a man came down from the next village to talk to me, and I found that here, at least, English was imperfectly understood. When I asked them if there were any trees in the island they held a hurried consultation in Gaelic, and then the man asked if 'tree' meant the same thing as 'bush,' for if so there were a few in sheltered hollows to the east.
They walked on with me to the sound which separates this island from Inishmaan--the middle island of the group--and showed me the roll from the Atlantic running up between two walls of cliff.
They told me that several men had stayed on Inishmaan to learn Irish, and the boy pointed out a line of hovels where they had lodged running like a belt of straw round the middle of the island. The place looked hardly fit for habitation. There was no green to be seen, and no sign of the people except these beehive-like roofs, and the outline of a Dun that stood out above them against the edge of the sky.
After a while my companions went away and two other boys came and walked at my heels, till I turned and made them talk to me. They spoke at first of their poverty, and then one of them said--'I dare say you do have to pay ten shillings a week in the hotel?' 'More,' I answered.
'More still.'
Then he drew back and did not question me any further, either thinking that I had lied to check his curiosity, or too awed by my riches to continue.
Repassing Killeany I was joined by a man who had spent twenty years in America, where he had lost his health and then returned, so long ago that he had forgotten English and could hardly make me understand him. He seemed hopeless, dirty and asthmatic, and after going with me for a few hundred yards he stopped and asked for coppers. I had none left, so I gave him a fill of tobacco, and he went back to his hovel.
When he was gone, two little girls took their place behind me and I drew them in turn into conversation.
They spoke with a delicate exotic intonation that was full of charm, and told me with a sort of chant how they guide 'ladies and gintlemins' in the summer to all that is worth seeing in their neighbourhood, and sell them pampooties and maidenhair ferns, which are common among the rocks.
We were now in Kilronan, and as we parted they showed me holes in their own pampooties, or cowskin sandals, and asked me the price of new ones. I told them that my purse was empty, and then with a few quaint words of blessing they turned away from me and went down to the pier.
All this walk back had been extraordinarily fine. The intense insular clearness one sees only in Ireland, and after rain, was throwing out every ripple in the sea and sky, and every crevice in the hills beyond the bay.

[やぶちゃん注:「イニシマーンには愛蘭土語を習ひに來てゐる人が幾人か滯在してゐるさうで、男の子は島の中央に圓く藁の帶の樣に並んでゐる小屋の列を指した。その人たちはそこに住んでゐるのである。」の部分は、そうした人々が現にそこに住んでいるとしか読めないのであるが、続く文章を読む限り、どうもそうではなく、嘗て滞在していた、というニュアンスを感じる。原文は“They told me that several men had stayed on Inishmaan to learn Irish, and the boy pointed out a line of hovels where they had lodged running like a belt of straw round the middle of the island.”で“several men had stayed”“they had lodged”と過去完了であるし、「その人たちはそこに住んでゐるのである。」に相当する独立文はない。訳者は後半部分であまりにも荒涼たる石積みの小屋で人は住めそうにない、人の気配はない、しかし、いるらしいと判断したものか。また、後文で彼らの訛が強烈で性人称なども区別しないとあるから、筆者はここも彼らの謂いの時制上のそうした特異性を出そうとしたものかも知れない。しかしやはり続く描写の人影もない荒涼感からは、ここは素直に例えば『イニシマーンにはアイルランド語を習いに来た人が幾人か滞在していたそうで、男の子は、その人たちが住んでいたという島の中央に円く藁の帯の樣に並んでいる小屋の列を指した。しかし、そこは殆んど人の住めそうな処とは思えなかった。……』とシンプルに続けて読みたくなるところである。
「孔雀齒朶」“maidenhair ferns”シダ植物門シダ目ホウライシダ科ホウライシダ属ホウライシダAdiantum capillus-veneris 若しくはクジャクシダAdiantum pedatum かその近縁種と思われる。一応、現在の“maidenhair ferns”は正式には前者の英名である(但し、植生域からはこれに同定するのはやや疑問か)。この属の種には現在でも観葉植物として高い価値を持つものが多い。]


This evening an old man came to see me, and said he had known a relative of mine who passed some time on this island forty-three years ago.
'I was standing under the pier-wall mending nets,' he said, 'when you came off the steamer, and I said to myself in that moment, if there is a man of the name of Synge left walking the world, it is that man yonder will be he.'
He went on to complain in curiously simple yet dignified language of the changes that have taken place here since he left the island to go to sea before the end of his childhood.
'I have come back,' he said, 'to live in a bit of a house with my sister. The island is not the same at all to what it was. It is little good I can get from the people who are in it now, and anything I have to give them they don't care to have.'
From what I hear this man seems to have shut himself up in a world of individual conceits and theories, and to live aloof at his trade of net-mending, regarded by the other islanders with respect and half-ironical sympathy.
A little later when I went down to the kitchen I found two men from Inishmaan who had been benighted on the island. They seemed a simpler and perhaps a more interesting type than the people here, and talked with careful English about the history of the Duns, and the Book of Ballymote, and the Book of Kells, and other ancient MSS., with the names of which they seemed familiar.

[やぶちゃん注:「シングと云ふ名の人が、若し此の世界に出かけて來るとすれば」原文は“if there is a man of the name of Synge left walking the world”。この訳は「此の世界に出かけて來る」がやや奇異で、「此の世界」をアラン島と取るか、若しくは特殊な宗教観からある別な世界からこの現実世界へやって来るという意味になるが、それを伝えるには如何にも苦しい訳である。寧ろ、“walk the world”は、“walk”の古語としての意を受けた、世を渡る、この世に生きるの謂いで、『もしシングという名の、今もこの世の中に生き残っている人がいるというなら』という意味であろう。
『「バリモートの書」「ケルスの書」』“Book of Ballymote, and the Book of Kells”はいずれもアイルランド文学の至宝。前者は14世紀の写本でケルトの神話を語るもので、アイルランドのスライゴ州バリモートに由来する。後者は紀元後700~800年にかけて制作された、四種の福音書によるイエス・キリストの生涯を華麗な文字で綴った初期キリスト教芸術の重宝で、ミーズ州ケルズに由来する。現在は「ケルズ」と表記するのが一般的。
「昔の寫本」原文“ancient MSS.”。“MSS.”は“manuscript”(マニュスクリプト)の省略形で手稿・写本のこと。]


ln spite of the charm of my teacher, the old blind man I met the day of my arrival, I have decided to move on to Inishmaan, where Gaelic is more generally used, and the life is perhaps the most primitive that is left in Europe.
I spent all this last day with my blind guide, looking at the antiquities that abound in the west or north-west of the island.
As we set out I noticed among the groups of girls who smiled at our fellowship--old Mourteen says we are like the cuckoo with its pipit--a beautiful oval face with the singularly spiritual expression that is so marked in one type of the West Ireland women. Later in the day, as the old man talked continually of the fairies and the women they have taken, it seemed that there was a possible link between the wild mythology that is accepted on the islands and the strange beauty of the women.
At midday we rested near the ruins of a house, and two beautiful boys came up and sat near us. Old Mourteen asked them why the house was in ruins, and who had lived in it.
'A rich farmer built it a while since,' they said, 'but after two years he was driven away by the fairy host.'
The boys came on with us some distance to the north to visit one of the ancient beehive dwellings that is still in perfect preservation. When we crawled in on our hands and knees, and stood up in the gloom of the interior, old Mourteen took a freak of earthly humour and began telling what he would have done if he could have come in there when he was a young man and a young girl along with him.
Then he sat down in the middle of the floor and began to recite old Irish poetry, with an exquisite purity of intonation that brought tears to my eyes though I understood but little of the meaning.
On our way home he gave me the Catholic theory of the fairies.
When Lucifer saw himself in the glass he thought himself equal with God. Then the Lord threw him out of Heaven, and all the angels that belonged to him. While He was 'chucking them out,' an archangel asked Him to spare some of them, and those that were falling are in the air still, and have power to wreck ships, and to work evil in the world.
From this he wandered off into tedious matters of theology, and repeated many long prayers and sermons in Irish that he had heard from the priests.
A little further on we came to a slated house, and I asked him who was living in it.
'A kind of a schoolmistress,' he said; then his old face puckered with a gleam of pagan malice.
'Ah, master,' he said, 'wouldn't it be fine to be in there, and to be kissing her?'
A couple of miles from this village we turned aside to look at an old ruined church of the Ceathair Aluinn (The Four Beautiful Persons), and a holy well near it that is famous for cures of blindness and epilepsy.
As we sat near the well a very old man came up from a cottage near the road, and told me how it had become famous.
'A woman of Sligo had a son who was born blind, and one night she dreamed that she saw an island with a blessed well in it that could cure her son. She told her dream in the morning, and an old man said it was of Aran she was after dreaming.
'She brought her son down by the coast of Galway, and came out in a curagh, and landed below where you see a bit of a cove.
'She walked up then to the house of my father--God rest his soul--and she told them what she was looking for.
'My father said that there was a well like what she had dreamed of, and that he would send a boy along with her to show her the way.
"There's no need, at all," said she; "haven't I seen it all in my dream?"
'Then she went out with the child and walked up to this well, and she kneeled down and began saying her prayers. Then she put her hand out for the water, and put it on his eyes, and the moment it touched him he called out: "O mother, look at the pretty flowers!"
After that Mourteen described the feats of poteen drinking and fighting that he did in his youth, and went on to talk of Diarmid, who was the strongest man after Samson, and of one of the beds of Diarmid and Grainne, which is on the east of the island. He says that Diarmid was killed by the druids, who put a burning shirt on him,--a fragment of mythology that may connect Diarmid with the legend of Hercules, if it is not due to the 'learning' in some hedge-school master's ballad.
Then we talked about Inishmaan.
'You'll have an old man to talk with you over there,' he said, 'and tell you stories of the fairies, but he's walking about with two sticks under him this ten year. Did ever you hear what it is goes on four legs when it is young, and on two legs after that, and on three legs when it does be old?'
I gave him the answer.
'Ah, master,' he said, 'you're a cute one, and the blessing of God be on you. Well, I'm on three legs this minute, but the old man beyond is back on four; I don't know if I'm better than the way he is; he's got his sight and I'm only an old dark man.'

[やぶちゃん注:「田雲雀」は「たひばり」と読む。原文“pipit”。スズメ目セキレイ科タヒバリAnthus pinoletta のこと。正式な英名は“Water Pipit”で、彼らはカッコウ目カッコウ科カッコウ属ホトトギスCuculus poliocephalus の托卵相手である(カッコウ目カッコウ科とホトトギス目ホトトギス科は同じである)。
「野蠻な神話」原文“wild mythology”。『粗野な神話』、『のままの神話』ぐらいな訳の方がいい感じがする。
「ムールティーン爺さんは俗気臭いをかしな空想を考へ」原文“old Mourteen took a freak of earthly humour”で、訳文はやや生硬な印象を受ける。『ムールティーン老師は若い頃のちょっとしたいたずらっ気を発揮して』ぐらいの感じであろう。
「學校の女の先生の樣な人」“'A kind of a schoolmistress,'”『まあ、言うたら、女子おなご先生みたような人じゃ』という台詞。
「カハル・オールウィン(美しき四人の人)」原文の“Ceathair Aluinn”はゲール語で“Ceathair”は4、“Aluinn”は美しい、の意。但し“Ceathair”はネット上のネイティヴの発音では「カハル」ではなく「エタフェル」と言うように聴こえる。
「その女は當時私の父であつた家に歩いて來た。」ちょっと妙な日本語だなと思って原文を見ると、“She walked up then to the house of my father--God rest his soul--”となっており、これは敬虔なカトリック教徒の習慣が出た直接話法をそのままに写したことが分かった。則ち、死者のことを口にする時のマナーとして、「その亡き人の魂に神の御恵みを!」と添えたのである。だからここは『彼女が私のその頃の父――おぉ、安らかにねむり給え!――の家へとやって来て』といった台詞となる。
「ドルドイ僧」は「ドルイド僧」の錯字。“the druids”は古代ケルト人のドルイド教の神官。聖樹信仰を核に、霊魂不滅・輪廻を中心教義とし、占星術を始めとする各種の占術を駆使した。
『――これは野天學校〔愛蘭土の臨時野外學校〕の先生の民謠の「學問」に依るのではないが、ダーミッドとヘルクレスの傳説とを結びつけ得る神話の断片であらう。』もやや分かり難い。原文は“--a fragment of mythology that may connect Diarmid with the legend of Hercules, if it is not due to the 'learning' in some hedge-school master's ballad.”であるが、訳の後半は問題がない。問題は“if it is not due to the 'learning' in some hedge-school master's ballad.”の部分である。まず、“hedge-school master”『アイルランドの臨時野外学校の先生』である。このヘッジ・スクールというのは、十八世紀初頭から十九世紀前半にかけて、アイルランド全土に広がった非合法の民衆教育組織で、垣根の陰に隠れて教師と子らが集って学校活動が行われたことに由来し、教区聖職者を中心に代書業・測量師等などを副業とした多彩な教師が運営し、そうした貧しい子らの親が授業料を支払って運営されていた独特の民間教育機関である。ペイ・スクールとも言う。このヘッジ・スクールがアイルランドの教育向上に大いに貢献したことは言うまでもない。但し、いわばそうした非公認の「先生」の中には、「先生」とは言うものの大した学識もない、“'learning'”、カッコ書きの 『(にわかハッタリの)学問』の持ち主もいたであろう(今の教師にも私を含めてゴマンといる)。そうした『にわか学問』によってデッチ上げられた“ballad”、バラッド、『民間伝承の物語詩』に“if it is not due to”『基づくものでないないとすれば』という意味であろう。則ち、ここは『――これはダーミッドとヘルクレス伝説とを結びつけ得る神話の断片であろう――但し、これがどこぞのヘッジ・スクールの大先生の「にわか学問」が発祥のバラードによるものでなかったとすれば、の話である。』というピリッと皮肉を込めた附言なのである。]

 或る者は普通の百姓よりずづと正確にその考へを發表し、また或る者は絶えずゲール語の訛を出して、現代の愛蘭土語には中性名詞がないので、it の代りに she か或は he を使ふ。

I am settled at last on Inishmaan in a small cottage with a continual drone of Gaelic coming from the kitchen that opens into my room.
Early this morning the man of the house came over for me with a four-oared curagh--that is, a curagh with four rowers and four oars on either side, as each man uses two--and we set off a little before noon.
It gave me a moment of exquisite satisfaction to find myself moving away from civilisation in this rude canvas canoe of a model that has served primitive races since men first went to sea.
We had to stop for a moment at a hulk that is anchored in the bay, to make some arrangement for the fish-curing of the middle island, and my crew called out as soon as we were within earshot that they had a man with them who had been in France a month from this day.
When we started again, a small sail was run up in the bow, and we set off across the sound with a leaping oscillation that had no resemblance to the heavy movement of a boat.
The sail is only used as an aid, so the men continued to row after it had gone up, and as they occupied the four cross-seats I lay on the canvas at the stern and the frame of slender laths, which bent and quivered as the waves passed under them.
When we set off it was a brilliant morning of April, and the green, glittering waves seemed to toss the canoe among themselves, yet as we drew nearer this island a sudden thunderstorm broke out behind the rocks we were approaching, and lent a momentary tumult to this still vein of the Atlantic.
We landed at a small pier, from which a rude track leads up to the village between small fields and bare sheets of rock like those in Aranmor. The youngest son of my boatman, a boy of about seventeen, who is to be my teacher and guide, was waiting for me at the pier and guided me to his house, while the men settled the curagh and followed slowly with my baggage.
My room is at one end of the cottage, with a boarded floor and ceiling, and two windows opposite each other. Then there is the kitchen with earth floor and open rafters, and two doors opposite each other opening into the open air, but no windows. Beyond it there are two small rooms of half the width of the kitchen with one window apiece.
The kitchen itself, where I will spend most of my time, is full of beauty and distinction. The red dresses of the women who cluster round the fire on their stools give a glow of almost Eastern richness, and the walls have been toned by the turf-smoke to a soft brown that blends with the grey earth-colour of the floor. Many sorts of fishing-tackle, and the nets and oil-skins of the men, are hung upon the walls or among the open rafters; and right overhead, under the thatch, there is a whole cowskin from which they make pampooties.
Every article on these islands has an almost personal character, which gives this simple life, where all art is unknown, something of the artistic beauty of medieval life. The curaghs and spinning-wheels, the tiny wooden barrels that are still much used in the place of earthenware, the home-made cradles, churns, and baskets, are all full of individuality, and being made from materials that are common here, yet to some extent peculiar to the island, they seem to exist as a natural link between the people and the world that is about them.
The simplicity and unity of the dress increases in another way the local air of beauty. The women wear red petticoats and jackets of the island wool stained with madder, to which they usually add a plaid shawl twisted round their chests and tied at their back. When it rains they throw another petticoat over their heads with the waistband round their faces, or, if they are young, they use a heavy shawl like those worn in Galway. Occasionally other wraps are worn, and during the thunderstorm I arrived in I saw several girls with men's waistcoats buttoned round their bodies. Their skirts do not come much below the knee, and show their powerful legs in the heavy indigo stockings with which they are all provided.
The men wear three colours: the natural wool, indigo, and a grey flannel that is woven of alternate threads of indigo and the natural wool. In Aranmor many of the younger men have adopted the usual fisherman's jersey, but I have only seen one on this island.
As flannel is cheap--the women spin the yarn from the wool of their own sheep, and it is then woven by a weaver in Kilronan for fourpence a yard--the men seem to wear an indefinite number of waistcoats and woollen drawers one over the other. They are usually surprised at the lightness of my own dress, and one old man I spoke to for a minute on the pier, when I came ashore, asked me if I was not cold with 'my little clothes.'
As I sat in the kitchen to dry the spray from my coat, several men who had seen me walking up came in to me to talk to me, usually murmuring on the threshold, 'The blessing of God on this place,' or some similar words.
The courtesy of the old woman of the house is singularly attractive, and though I could not understand much of what she said--she has no English--I could see with how much grace she motioned each visitor to a chair, or stool, according to his age, and said a few words to him till he drifted into our English conversation.
For the moment my own arrival is the chief subject of interest, and the men who come in are eager to talk to me.
Some of them express themselves more correctly than the ordinary peasant, others use the Gaelic idioms continually and substitute 'he' or 'she' for 'it,' as the neuter pronoun is not found in modern Irish.
A few of the men have a curiously full vocabulary, others know only the commonest words in English, and are driven to ingenious devices to express their meaning. Of all the subjects we can talk of war seems their favourite, and the conflict between America and Spain is causing a great deal of excitement. Nearly all the families have relations who have had to cross the Atlantic, and all eat of the flour and bacon that is brought from the United States, so they have a vague fear that 'if anything happened to America,' their own island would cease to be habitable.
Foreign languages are another favourite topic, and as these men are bilingual they have a fair notion of what it means to speak and think in many different idioms. Most of the strangers they see on the islands are philological students, and the people have been led to conclude that linguistic studies, particularly Gaelic studies, are the chief occupation of the outside world.
'I have seen Frenchmen, and Danes, and Germans,' said one man, 'and there does be a power a Irish books along with them, and they reading them better than ourselves. Believe me there are few rich men now in the world who are not studying the Gaelic.'
They sometimes ask me the French for simple phrases, and when they have listened to the intonation for a moment, most of them are able to reproduce it with admirable precision.

[やぶちゃん注:「掩はれた木の骨組のわく」原文は“frame of slender laths”。カラハの特殊な構造を述べているようである。細く薄く削いだ木片を組み合わせて船尾のフレーム部分が成形されているものと思われる。
「英語の會話につり込ませるまで二言三言を言つてゐるのだと見られた。」この訳文は文字通り“drift”(意味)が分からない。原文を見ると、“and said a few words to him till he drifted into our English conversation.”で、この“him”は直前の“visitor”を指し、『私を訪ねてきた幾分かは英語を喋れる男たちが私との英語の会話に入る前、その彼らにこのお婆さんが、二言三言、ゲール語で声をかけているその雰囲気を見る限り、彼女が丁寧で非常に人の心を惹くものを持った女性であることが感じられる』ということであろう。ここではシング自身も、このお婆さんの訛の強いゲール語は分からないのであって、いわばその雰囲気からお婆さんの人柄を体感しているということではなかろうか。


When I was going out this morning to walk round the island with Michael, the boy who is teaching me Irish, I met an old man making his way down to the cottage. He was dressed in miserable black clothes which seemed to have come from the mainland, and was so bent with rheumatism that, at a little distance, he looked more like a spider than a human being.
Michael told me it was Pat Dirane, the story-teller old Mourteen had spoken of on the other island. I wished to turn back, as he appeared to be on his way to visit me, but Michael would not hear of it.
'He will be sitting by the fire when we come in,' he said; 'let you not be afraid, there will be time enough to be talking to him by and by.'
He was right. As I came down into the kitchen some hours later old Pat was still in the chimney-corner, blinking with the turf smoke.
He spoke English with remarkable aptness and fluency, due, I believe, to the months he spent in the English provinces working at the harvest when he was a young man.
After a few formal compliments he told me how he had been crippled by an attack of the 'old hin' (i.e. the influenza), and had been complaining ever since in addition to his rheumatism.
While the old woman was cooking my dinner he asked me if I liked stories, and offered to tell one in English, though he added, it would be much better if I could follow the Gaelic. Then he began:--

[やぶちゃん注:「それから何時聞かの後、私が茶の間の方へ下りて行つた時、パット爺さんは炭の爐で目をしばたたかせながら、爐の側にまだ居た。」は若干気になる。原文は“As I came down into the kitchen some hours later old Pat was still in the chimney-corner, blinking with the turf smoke.”で、“came down”とある。ところが既に読者には分かっている通り、彼の宿は平屋である。これは冒頭前文の“I met an old man making his way down to the cottage.”を受けるものであろう。則ち、シングとマイケルは島巡りをするために、宿からある小道を伝って登って行った。そのルートとは異なった宿へ下る小道をパット爺さんは降りてきたのであった。シングが「数時間の後」の島巡りを終えて、「下り道を降りて」、宿の、その茶の間へと入った時、パット爺さんは「炭の爐で目をしばたたかせながら、爐の側にまだ居た」ということであろう。この間合いが、アランの神話へと導かれる前哨として美事、と私は思うのである。
「オールド・ヒン(即ち、インフルエンザ)」原文“'old hin' (i.e. the influenza)”。“hin”が分からない。栩木伸明氏訳2005年みすず書房刊の「アラン島」では、『めんどりバーバ』(ルビに『インフルエンザ』)という不思議な訳がなされていた。それを凝っと見ながら――成程!――と合点した。“hin”は“hen”(雌鶏)のパット爺さんの訛なのだ。栩木氏の「バーバ」は「雌鶏の御婆ちゃん」の意ではあるまいか?――それにしても、どうしてインフルエンザをこう呼ぶのだろう。まさか、鳥インフルエンザじゃあなかろうし、くしゃみの声とか、くしゃみをしたときの動作からの老いた雌鶏の連想だろうか?]

 「これだけです。」 オーコナーは云つた。(若者の名はオーコナーであつた。)
 「それではとても娘と釣り合はない。」 父親が云つた。
 「試してみませう。」 オーコナーは云つた。
 「家へ行くのです。」 オーコナーが云つた。
 「その通りです。」 オーコナーが云つた。
 「好きです。」 オーコナーは答へた。
 「賭けませう。」 オーコナーはさう言つて、出かけた。


 「さうぢやありません。」 オーコナーは答へた。
 「併し、一滴たりとも血を流したら、私はあなたをこれで撃ち殺します。」 さういつて夫人はピストルを男の顏へつきつけた。


There were two farmers in County Clare. One had a son, and the other, a fine rich man, had a daughter.
The young man was wishing to marry the girl, and his father told him to try and get her if he thought well, though a power of gold would be wanting to get the like of her.
'I will try,' said the young man.
He put all his gold into a bag. Then he went over to the other farm, and threw in the gold in front of him.
'Is that all gold?' said the father of the girl.
'All gold,' said O'Conor (the young man's name was O'Conor).
'It will not weigh down my daughter,' said the father.
'We'll see that,' said O'Conor.
Then they put them in the scales, the daughter in one side and the gold in the other. The girl went down against the ground, so O'Conor took his bag and went out on the road.
As he was going along he came to where there was a little man, and he standing with his back against the wall.
'Where are you going with the bag?' said the little man. 'Going home,' said O'Conor.
"Is it gold you might be wanting?' said the man. 'It is, surely,' said O'Conor.
'I'll give you what you are wanting,' said the man, 'and we can bargain in this way--you'll pay me back in a year the gold I give you, or you'll pay me with five pounds cut off your own flesh.'
That bargain was made between them. The man gave a bag of gold to O'Conor, and he went back with it, and was married to the young woman.
They were rich people, and he built her a grand castle on the cliffs of Clare, with a window that looked out straight over the wild ocean.
One day when he went up with his wife to look out over the wild ocean, he saw a ship coming in on the rocks, and no sails on her at all. She was wrecked on the rocks, and it was tea that was in her, and fine silk.
O'Conor and his wife went down to look at the wreck, and when the lady O'Conor saw the silk she said she wished a dress of it.
They got the silk from the sailors, and when the Captain came up to get the money for it, O'Conor asked him to come again and take his dinner with them. They had a grand dinner, and they drank after it, and the Captain was tipsy. While they were still drinking, a letter came to O'Conor, and it was in the letter that a friend of his was dead, and that he would have to go away on a long journey. As he was getting ready the Captain came to him.
'Are you fond of your wife?' said the Captain.
'I am fond of her,' said O'Conor.
'Will you make me a bet of twenty guineas no man comes near her while you'll be away on the journey?' said the Captain.
'I will bet it,' said O'Conor; and he went away.
There was an old hag who sold small things on the road near the castle, and the lady O'Conor allowed her to sleep up in her room in a big box. The Captain went down on the road to the old hag.
'For how much will you let me sleep one night in your box?' said the Captain.
'For no money at all would I do such a thing,' said the hag.
'For ten guineas?' said the Captain.
'Not for ten guineas,' said the hag.
'For twelve guineas?' said the Captain.
'Not for twelve guineas,' said the hag.
'For fifteen guineas?' said the Captain.
'For fifteen I will do it,' said the hag.
Then she took him up and hid him in the box. When night came the lady O'Conor walked up into her room, and the Captain watched her through a hole that was in the box. He saw her take off her two rings and put them on a kind of a board that was over her head like a chimney-piece, and take off her clothes, except her shift, and go up into her bed.
As soon as she was asleep the Captain came out of his box, and he had some means of making a light, for he lit the candle. He went over to the bed where she was sleeping without disturbing her at all, or doing any bad thing, and he took the two rings off the board, and blew out the light, and went down again into the box.

He paused for a moment, and a deep sigh of relief rose from the men and women who had crowded in while the story was going on, till the kitchen was filled with people.
As the Captain was coming out of his box the girls, who had appeared to know no English, stopped their spinning and held their breath with expectation.
The old man went on--
When O'Conor came back the Captain met him, and told him that he had been a night in his wife's room, and gave him the two rings. O'Conor gave him the twenty guineas of the bet. Then he went up into the castle, and he took his wife up to look out of the window over the wild ocean. While she was looking he pushed her from behind, and she fell down over the cliff into the sea.
An old woman was on the shore, and she saw her falling. She went down then to the surf and pulled her out all wet and in great disorder, and she took the wet clothes off her, and put on some old rags belonging to herself.
When O'Conor had pushed his wife from the window he went away into the land.
After a while the lady O'Conor went out searching for him, and when she had gone here and there a long time in the country, she heard that he was reaping in a field with sixty men.
She came to the field and she wanted to go in, but the gate-man would not open the gate for her. Then the owner came by, and she told him her story. He brought her in, and her husband was there, reaping, but he never gave any sign of knowing her. She showed him to the owner, and he made the man come out and go with his wife.
Then the lady O'Conor took him out on the road where there were horses, and they rode away.
When they came to the place where O'Conor had met the little man, he was there on the road before them.
'Have you my gold on you?' said the man.
'I have not,' said O'Conor.
'Then you'll pay me the flesh off your body,' said the man. They went into a house, and a knife was brought, and a clean white cloth was put on the table, and O'Conor was put upon the cloth.
Then the little man was going to strike the lancet into him, when says lady O'Conor--
'Have you bargained for five pounds of flesh?'
'For five pounds of flesh,' said the man.
'Have you bargained for any drop of his blood?' said lady O'Conor.
'For no blood,' said the man.
'Cut out the flesh,' said lady O'Conor, 'but if you spill one drop of his blood I'll put that through you.' And she put a pistol to his head.
The little man went away and they saw no more of him.
When they got home to their castle they made a great supper, and they invited the Captain and the old hag, and the old woman that had pulled the lady O'Conor out of the sea.
After they had eaten well the lady O'Conor began, and she said they would all tell their stories. Then she told how she had been saved from the sea, and how she had found her husband.
Then the old woman told her story; the way she had found the lady O'Conor wet, and in great disorder, and had brought her in and put on her some old rags of her own.
The lady O'Conor asked the Captain for his story; but he said they would get no story from him. Then she took her pistol out of her pocket, and she put it on the edge of the table, and she said that any one that would not tell his story would get a bullet into him.
Then the Captain told the way he had got into the box, and come over to her bed without touching her at all, and had taken away the rings.
Then the lady O'Conor took the pistol and shot the hag through the body, and they threw her over the cliff into the sea.
That is my story.

It gave me a strange feeling of wonder to hear this illiterate native of a wet rock in the Atlantic telling a story that is so full of European associations.
The incident of the faithful wife takes us beyond Cymbeline to the sunshine on the Arno, and the gay company who went out from Florence to tell narratives of love. It takes us again to the low vineyards of Wurzburg on the Main, where the same tale was told in the middle ages, of the 'Two Merchants and the Faithful Wife of Ruprecht von Wurzburg.'
The other portion, dealing with the pound of flesh, has a still wider distribution, reaching from Persia and Egypt to the Gesta Rornanorum, and the Pecorone of Ser Giovanni, a Florentine notary.
The present union of the two tales has already been found among the Gaels, and there is a somewhat similar version in Campbell's Popular Tales of the Western Highlands.

[やぶちゃん注:「クレア郡」“County Clare”。アイルランドのクレア州。アラン諸島を望むゴールウェイ湾南の本土、マンスター地方の州名。
「オーコナーの夫人は彼女を自分の部屋に上らせ、大きな箱の中で寢ることを許した。」原文は“and the lady O'Conor allowed her to sleep up in her room in a big box.”であるが、気になるのは、この訳ではこの夫が長の留守をすることとなった時点で「許した」と読めてしまうことである。しかし、これは、そうした雑貨商を営む身寄りのない老婆を可哀相に思って、以前からオーコナー夫人は、夜は彼女の部屋の大きな櫃を寝床にすることを許していた、という風に読まないとおかしいように思われる。栩木伸明氏訳「アラン島」でもそのように訳されてある。
「爐棚のやうになつた板の上」原文は“on a kind of a board that was over her head like a chimney-piece”。“chimney-piece”は“mantelpiece”マントルピース、暖炉のことだから、如何にも迂遠な表現である。これは実際にはマントルピースではなく、それに似たような形状の当時の特殊な部屋装飾であることをパット爺さんは暗に言わんとしているように思われる。
「船長が箱から出て來るあたりから、英語を知らないらしい女たちも、糸を紡ぐ手を止めて、その先を聞かうと息を凝らしてゐた。」は“As the Captain was coming out of his box the girls, who had appeared to know no English, stopped their spinning and held their breath with expectation.”であるが、「英語を知らないらしい女たち」が「ほつとし」「息を凝らして」「その先を聞かうと」していたというのは訳としては不自然である。“had appeared to know no English”は、そのちょっと前にシングが話しかけても、『英語はまるで分からないかのような素振りを見せていた女たちも』、の意であろう。突然やって来た若き異邦人シングへの、素朴なアランの女たちの、そのはにかみが伝わってくるシーンだ。
「陸の方へ逃げた。」原文の“he went away into the land.”を逐語的に訳してはいるが、如何か? 妻に裏切られたと思った失意と絶望によって自暴自棄となったオーコナーは、衝動的に『内陸の奥の方へと、彷徨い出でて、城を去ってしまった。』と訳したいところである。
「彼女を知らないのか、目もくれない。」原文“but he never gave any sign of knowing her.”。「彼女を知らないのか」では、日本語としては、単純な仮定疑問文として、本当に彼女のことをもう忘れてしまっているのか、という意味にも(寧ろ積極的にそのように)とれてしまう。そうではあるまい。ここは寧ろ、彼女が裏切ったと信じ込んで絶望し、やけのやんぱちで一介の雇われの農奴に身をやつしてしまっているから、『しかし彼は、彼女のことを知っているというこれっぽちの素振りをもいっかな見せずにいる』という意味であろう。
「マイン河畔ブュールツブルヒ」“Wurzburg on the Main”後の中世伝承譚の方は「ルブレヒト・フォン・ヴュールツブルヒ作の二人の商人と貞淑な妻」“'Two Merchants and the Faithful Wife of Ruprecht von Wurzburg.'”と訳されているから「ブュールツブルヒ」は「ヴュールツブルヒ」の誤植であろう。現在はヴュルツブルクと表記される。
「ジュスタ・ロマノルム」“Gesta Rornanorum”は13世紀から14世紀にかけて編纂されたラテン語民話集。Charles Swan 英訳本(安川晃他編注)「ゲスタ・ロマノールム Gesta Romanorum ローマ人達の行状記」が1992年に弓プレスから出版されている。
『フロレンスの公證人なるセル・ヂォヴァンニの「小説ペコローネ」』原文“the Pecorone of Ser Giovanni, a Florentine notary.”。中世イタリアのジョヴァンニ・フィオレンティーノ“Giovanni Fiorentino”(“ser”が頭につくが“Fiorentino”自体が「フィレンツェの」の意であり、何らかの冠称のようである)が書いた「デカメロン」風の物語集“Il Pecorone”「イル・ペコローネ」(「愚か者」の意)。前の「ゲスタ・ロマノールム」とともに、シェイクスピアの「ヴェニスの商人」の種本とされており、その四日目第一話に本話と共通した例の人肉の裁きの話が載る。
『キャンベルの「西部ハイランドの民間説話」』ケルト民俗学の権威であったJohn Francis Campbell(1821年~1885年)が1860年から1862年にかけて刊行した民間説話集。ゲール語からの翻訳採録。]


Michael walks so fast when I am out with him that I cannot pick my steps, and the sharp-edged fossils which abound in the limestone have cut my shoes to pieces.
The family held a consultation on them last night, and in the end it was decided to make me a pair of pampooties, which I have been wearing to-day among the rocks.
They consist simply of a piece of raw cowskin, with the hair outside, laced over the toe and round the heel with two ends of fishing-line that work round and are tied above the instep.
In the evening, when they are taken off, they are placed in a basin of water, as the rough hide cuts the foot and stocking if it is allowed to harden. For the same reason the people often step into the surf during the day, so that their feet are continually moist.
At first I threw my weight upon my heels, as one does naturally in a boot, and was a good deal bruised, but after a few hours I learned the natural walk of man, and could follow my guide in any portion of the island.
In one district below the cliffs, towards the north, one goes for nearly a mile jumping from one rock to another without a single ordinary step; and here I realized that toes have a natural use, for I found myself jumping towards any tiny crevice in the rock before me, and clinging with an eager grip in which all the muscles of my feet ached from their exertion.
The absence of the heavy boot of Europe has preserved to these people the agile walk of the wild animal, while the general simplicity of their lives has given them many other points of physical perfection. Their way of life has never been acted on by anything much more artificial than the nests and burrows of the creatures that live round them, and they seem, in a certain sense, to approach more nearly to the finer types of our aristocracies--who are bred artificially to a natural ideal--than to the labourer or citizen, as the wild horse resembles the thoroughbred rather than the hack or cart-horse. Tribes of the same natural development are, perhaps, frequent in half-civilized countries, but here a touch of the refinement of old societies is blended, with singular effect, among the qualities of the wild animal.
While I am walking with Michael some one often comes to me to ask the time of day. Few of the people, however, are sufficiently used to modern time to understand in more than a vague way the convention of the hours, and when I tell them what o'clock it is by my watch they are not satisfied, and ask how long is left them before the twilight.
The general knowledge of time on the island depends, curiously enough, on the direction of the wind. Nearly all the cottages are built, like this one, with two doors opposite each other, the more sheltered of which lies open all day to give light to the interior. If the wind is northerly the south door is opened, and the shadow of the door-post moving across the kitchen floor indicates the hour; as soon, however, as the wind changes to the south the other door is opened, and the people, who never think of putting up a primitive dial, are at a loss.
This system of doorways has another curious result. It usually happens that all the doors on one side of the village pathway are lying open with women sitting about on the thresholds, while on the other side the doors are shut and there is no sign of life. The moment the wind changes everything is reversed, and sometimes when I come back to the village after an hour's walk there seems to have been a general flight from one side of the way to the other.
In my own cottage the change of the doors alters the whole tone of the kitchen, turning it from a brilliantly-lighted room looking out on a yard and laneway to a sombre cell with a superb view of the sea.
When the wind is from the north the old woman manages my meals with fair regularity; but on the other days she often makes my tea at three o'clock instead of six. If I refuse it she puts it down to simmer for three hours in the turf, and then brings it in at six o'clock full of anxiety to know if it is warm enough.
The old man is suggesting that I should send him a clock when I go away. He'd like to have something from me in the house, he says, the way they wouldn't forget me, and wouldn't a clock be as handy as another thing, and they'd be thinking of me whenever they'd look on its face.
The general ignorance of any precise hours in the day makes it impossible for the people to have regular meals.
They seem to eat together in the evening, and sometimes in the morning, a little after dawn, before they scatter for their work, but during the day they simply drink a cup of tea and eat a piece of bread, or some potatoes, whenever they are hungry.
For men who live in the open air they eat strangely little. Often when Michael has been out weeding potatoes for eight or nine hours without food, he comes in and eats a few slices of home-made bread, and then he is ready to go out with me and wander for hours about the island.
They use no animal food except a little bacon and salt fish. The old woman says she would be very ill if she ate fresh meat.
Some years ago, before tea, sugar, and flour had come into general use, salt fish was much more the staple article of diet than at present, and, I am told, skin diseases were very common, though they are now rare on the islands.

「さうでない日には六時のお茶を三時に作る事がある。」原文は“she often makes my tea at three o'clock instead of six.”で確かに“tea”であるが、これは前文で“my meals”を「食事」と訳しており、それを受けての文であるから、これはお婆さんの作る(失礼ながら)大したことのない粗末な「夕食」が、所謂、イングランドの習慣である午後五時頃に紅茶とともに摂る、ディナーを事前に補うところの軽食“afternoon[five-o'clock]tea”(夕食が軽い場合には肉料理附きで“high[meat]tea”と言う)のように感ぜられたことからの“tea”なのではなかろうか。訳としては夕餉をでいいのではないか? 但し、もしかすると実際にこのお婆さんは“afternoon tea”の後、ちゃんとディナーかサパーを出していたのかも知れない。お婆さんの名誉のために附言しておく。



No one who has not lived for weeks among these grey clouds and seas can realise the joy with which the eye rests on the red dresses of the women, especially when a number of them are to be found together, as happened early this morning.
I heard that the young cattle were to be shipped for a fair on the mainland, which is to take place in a few days, and I went down on the pier, a little after dawn, to watch them.
The bay was shrouded in the greys of coming rain, yet the thinness of the cloud threw a silvery light on the sea, and an unusual depth of blue to the mountains of Connemara.
As I was going across the sandhills one dun-sailed hooker glided slowly out to begin her voyage, and another beat up to the pier. Troops of red cattle, driven mostly by the women, were coming up from several directions, forming, with the green of the long tract of grass that separates the sea from the rocks, a new unity of colour.
The pier itself was crowded with bullocks and a great number of the people. I noticed one extraordinary girl in the throng who seemed to exert an authority on all who came near her. Her curiously-formed nostrils and narrow chin gave her a witch-like expression, yet the beauty of her hair and skin made her singularly attractive.
When the empty hooker was made fast its deck was still many feet below the level of the pier, so the animals were slung down by a rope from the mast-head, with much struggling and confusion. Some of them made wild efforts to escape, nearly carrying their owners with them into the sea, but they were handled with wonderful dexterity, and there was no mishap.
When the open hold was filled with young cattle, packed as tightly as they could stand, the owners with their wives or sisters, who go with them to prevent extravagance in Galway, jumped down on the deck, and the voyage was begun. Immediately afterwards a rickety old hooker beat up with turf from Connemara, and while she was unlading all the men sat along the edge of the pier and made remarks upon the rottenness of her timber till the owners grew wild with rage.
The tide was now too low for more boats to come to the pier, so a move was made to a strip of sand towards the south-east, where the rest of the cattle were shipped through the surf. Here the hooker was anchored about eighty yards from the shore, and a curagh was rowed round to tow out the animals. Each bullock was caught in its turn and girded with a sling of rope by which it could be hoisted on board. Another rope was fastened to the horns and passed out to a man in the stem of the curagh. Then the animal was forced down through the surf and out of its depth before it had much time to struggle. Once fairly swimming, it was towed out to the hooker and dragged on board in a half-drowned condition.
The freedom of the sand seemed to give a stronger spirit of revolt, and some of the animals were only caught after a dangerous struggle. The first attempt was not always successful, and I saw one three-year-old lift two men with his horns, and drag another fifty yards along the sand by his tail before he was subdued.
While this work was going on a crowd of girls and women collected on the edge of the cliff and kept shouting down a confused babble of satire and praise.
When I came back to the cottage I found that among the women who had gone to the mainland was a daughter of the old woman's, and that her baby of about nine months had been left in the care of its grandmother.
As I came in she was busy getting ready my dinner, and old Pat Dirane, who usually comes at this hour, was rocking the cradle. It is made of clumsy wicker-work, with two pieces of rough wood fastened underneath to serve as rockers, and all the time I am in my room I can hear it bumping on the floor with extraordinary violence. When the baby is awake it sprawls on the floor, and the old woman sings it a variety of inarticulate lullabies that have much musical charm.
Another daughter, who lives at home, has gone to the fair also, so the old woman has both the baby and myself to take care of as well as a crowd of chickens that live in a hole beside the fire, Often when I want tea, or when the old woman goes for water, I have to take my own turn at rocking the cradle.


One of the largest Duns, or pagan forts, on the islands, is within a stone's throw of my cottage, and I often stroll up there after a dinner of eggs or salt pork, to smoke drowsily on the stones. The neighbours know my habit, and not infrequently some one wanders up to ask what news there is in the last paper I have received, or to make inquiries about the American war. If no one comes I prop my book open with stones touched by the Fir-bolgs, and sleep for hours in the delicious warmth of the sun. The last few days I have almost lived on the round walls, for, by some miscalculation, our turf has come to an end, and the fires are kept up with dried cow-dung--a common fuel on the island--the smoke from which filters through into my room and lies in blue layers above my table and bed.
Fortunately the weather is fine, and I can spend my days in the sunshine. When I look round from the top of these walls I can see the sea on nearly every side, stretching away to distant ranges of mountains on the north and south. Underneath me to the east there is the one inhabited district of the island, where I can see red figures moving about the cottages, sending up an occasional fragment of conversation or of old island melodies.

[やぶちゃん注:「砦の丘ダン」原文“Duns”。ここはゲール語で“Dun Conor”(ドゥン・コナー)と呼ばれる城砦で、有名なイニシュモア島の巨大な砦“Dun Aonghasa”(ドゥン・エーンガス)に次ぐ大きな、西暦一世紀頃の城築とされるものである。この城の名はシングが言うように、伝説上の「フィル・ボルグ族」の族長であったエーンガスの弟コナーに因むものである。アラン諸島随一の美景の地で、シングは特にこの砦を好み、その“Dun Beag”(ドゥン・ビョグ)という砦の近くの断崖に腰を下ろしては瞑想に耽っていたと伝えられ、現在、その場所の石は“Cathaoir Synge”(カハー・シング)「シングの椅子」と呼ばれている。この小さな章はそうしたシングの心からの憩いの瞬間を伝える風と海と唄声のソネットのように私には聴こえる。]


The baby is teething, and has been crying for several days. Since his mother went to the fair they have been feeding him with cow's milk, often slightly sour, and giving him, I think, more than he requires.
This morning, however, he seemed so unwell they sent out to look for a foster-mother in the village, and before long a young woman, who lives a little way to the east, came in and restored him to his natural food.
A few hours later, when I came into the kitchen to talk to old Pat, another woman performed the same kindly office, this time a person with a curiously whimsical expression.
Pat told me a story of an unfaithful wife, which I will give further down, and then broke into a moral dispute with the visitor, which caused immense delight to some young men who had come down to listen to the story. Unfortunately it was carried on so rapidly in Gaelic that I lost most of the points.
This old man talks usually in a mournful tone about his ill-health, and his death, which he feels to be approaching, yet he has occasional touches of humor that remind me of old Mourteen on the north island. To-day a grotesque twopenny doll was lying on the floor near the old woman. He picked it up and examined it as if comparing it with her. Then he held it up: 'Is it you is after bringing that thing into the world,' he said, 'woman of the house?'
Here is the story:--

[やぶちゃん注:「今度は妙にむづかしい顏をした女であつた」原文は“this time a person with a curiously whimsical expression.”。“whimsical”というのは「気まぐれな。むら気のある。酔狂な」が原義で、そこから「変な。妙な。滑稽な。」の意を派生する。この後の不貞な女の話とそこからパット爺さんとこの女が道徳的な議論を展開することを考えると、この女性の印象が「気難しい」感じの顔で、「頑なで保守的な」女性であったとは、私には思われない。寧ろ、普通の若い母親の印象とは違った「気まぐれでむらっ気のある」、「一種独特な雰囲気を持った」顔つきの女であったのではなかったか? 次の話で不貞な女とされる色気のあるタイプに寧ろ属する女性であったからこそ、議論になったとするべきであろう。栩木氏はこの部分を『この女がへんに色っぽい表情をしているのが目についた』と訳されており、私にはこちらの方が如何にも腑に落ちたのであるが、如何?
「怪奇な二錢人形」原文は“grotesque twopenny doll”であるが、後で「お内儀さん、こんなものを持ち出したのはお前さんかね?」という台詞があるからといって、何か意味ありげな宗教的な依代なわけでは毛頭あるまい。赤ん坊のために買ったものであるが、表情や造作が、奇妙で笑いをさそうような、いい加減にデフォルメされたように見える、如何にもな安物の人形であることを言うのであろう。すると、後の「お内儀さん、こんなものを持ち出したのはお前さんかね?」という台詞も、違ったニュアンスで読める。原文は“'Is it you is after bringing that thing into the world,' he said, 'woman of the house?'”である。パット爺さんは「諧謔を時時弄する」のであるから、『「今になって、この世にこんな奴をもたらしちまったのは、あんた」彼は言った、「女将さんかい?」』、即ち、『女将さん、この子は、お前さんが産んじまった哀れな子かね?』という意味であろう。栩木氏も『おや、奥さん、この子はあんたが産んだ子かいな。』と訳しておられる。]


One day I was travelling on foot from Galway to Dublin, and the darkness came on me and I ten miles from the town I was wanting to pass the night in. Then a hard rain began to fall and I was tired walking, so when I saw a sort of a house with no roof on it up against the road, I got in the way the walls would give me shelter.
As I was looking round I saw a light in some trees two perches off, and thinking any sort of a house would be better than where I was, I got over a wall and went up to the house to look in at the window.
I saw a dead man laid on a table, and candles lighted, and a woman watching him. I was frightened when I saw him, but it was raining hard, and I said to myself, if he was dead he couldn't hurt me. Then I knocked on the door and the woman came and opened it.
'Good evening, ma'am,' says I.
'Good evening kindly, stranger,' says she, 'Come in out of the rain.' Then she took me in and told me her husband was after dying on her, and she was watching him that night.
'But it's thirsty you'll be, stranger,' says she, 'Come into the parlour.' Then she took me into the parlour--and it was a fine clean house--and she put a cup, with a saucer under it, on the table before me with fine sugar and bread.
When I'd had a cup of tea I went back into the kitchen where the dead man was lying, and she gave me a fine new pipe off the table with a drop of spirits.
'Stranger,' says she, 'would you be afeard to be alone with himself?'
'Not a bit in the world, ma'am,' says I; 'he that's dead can do no hurt,' Then she said she wanted to go over and tell the neighbours the way her husband was after dying on her, and she went out and locked the door behind her.
I smoked one pipe, and I leaned out and took another off the table. I was smoking it with my hand on the back of my chair--the way you are yourself this minute, God bless you--and I looking on the dead man, when he opened his eyes as wide as myself and looked at me.
'Don't be afraid, stranger,' said the dead man; 'I'm not dead at all in the world. Come here and help me up and I'll tell you all about it.'
Well, I went up and took the sheet off of him, and I saw that he had a fine clean shirt on his body, and fine flannel drawers.
He sat up then, and says he--
'I've got a bad wife, stranger, and I let on to be dead the way I'd catch her goings on.'
Then he got two fine sticks he had to keep down his wife, and he put them at each side of his body, and he laid himself out again as if he was dead.
In half an hour his wife came back and a young man along with her. Well, she gave him his tea, and she told him he was tired, and he would do right to go and lie down in the bedroom.
The young man went in and the woman sat down to watch by the dead man. A while after she got up and 'Stranger,' says she, 'I'm going in to get the candle out of the room; I'm thinking the young man will be asleep by this time.' She went into the bedroom, but the divil a bit of her came back.
Then the dead man got up, and he took one stick, and he gave the other to myself. We went in and saw them lying together with her head on his arm.
The dead man hit him a blow with the stick so that the blood out of him leapt up and hit the gallery.
That is my story.

「彼女はテーブルから立派な新しいパイプにアルコールを一滴垂らして、私にくれた。」原文は“and she gave me a fine new pipe off the table with a drop of spirits.”。葉巻にウィスキーを湿らせたり、煙草の葉にスピリッツをまぶして吸うことは、習慣として存在し、私もやったことがある。従って私はこの訳を別段、不思議に思わなかったが、ここを栩木氏はパイプ煙草に加えて、『ウィスキーも一杯くれましてな。』と訳しておられる。確かに、この後、雨に降り込まれて冷えた旅人(パット爺さん)をこのような通夜の場に残して、妻が出かけるということを考えれば、これは一杯の酒の方がしっくりくるとは思う。
「廊下まではねた」原文は“hit the gallery”。これを栩木氏は『ランプの火屋ほや受けにまでかかったのでした』と訳しておられる。通常のネットの辞書では見当たらないが、研究社の「リーダーズ+プラス」の“gallery”の最後の5番目の意味に「ランプのほや受け」とあった。所謂、ガラス製のホヤを受け、更にそれをオイルの壺と接続する部分の、装飾を施した金物である。映像としては、断然、このランプのほや受けに飛び散る血糊のアップの方がいい。
なお、言わずもがなであるが、このパット爺さんの話は後のシングの初期戯曲“In the Shadow of the Glen”(「谷間の影」1903年)の素材となった。]


In stories of this kind he always speaks in the first person, with minute details to show that he was actually present at the scenes that are described.
At the beginning of this story he gave me a long account of what had made him be on his way to Dublin on that occasion, and told me about all the rich people he was going to see in the finest streets of the city.

[やぶちゃん注:「彼はその時、ダブリンへ行く途中で自分のもてた事を長長と語り」という訳は如何にもさもありなんと感じさせる面白い訳であるが、原文を見る限り、前文の「細かい描寫」“minute details”を受けており、単に「彼はこの話の際にも、そのさわりの部分で、彼がダブリンへ向かうこととなった理由について長々と話をし」というパット爺さんの退屈な前振りを言っているように思われる。


A week of sweeping fogs has passed over and given me a strange sense of exile and desolation. I walk round the island nearly every day, yet I can see nothing anywhere but a mass of wet rock, a strip of surf, and then a tumult of waves.
The slaty limestone has grown black with the water that is dripping on it, and wherever I turn there is the same grey obsession twining and wreathing itself among the narrow fields, and the same wail from the wind that shrieks and whistles in the loose rubble of the walls.
At first the people do not give much attention to the wilderness that is round them, but after a few days their voices sink in the kitchen, and their endless talk of pigs and cattle falls to the whisper of men who are telling stories in a haunted house.

[やぶちゃん注:「妙に流し者の淋しい氣持」“strange sense of exile and desolation”。“exile”の「流し者」は「流刑に処せられた者」という意味で、“desolation”は「荒蕪地・荒寥地方」であるから、「荒涼たる地の自然と流刑者の人事といった異様な寂寥の気持ち」といったニュアンスであろう。私は本節の姉崎氏の畳み掛けた有機的な荒々しい日本語表現が好きだ。]


The rain continues; but this evening a number of young men were in the kitchen mending nets, and the bottle of poteen was drawn from its hiding-place.
One cannot think of these people drinking wine on the summit of this crumbling precipice, but their grey poteen, which brings a shock of joy to the blood, seems predestined to keep sanity in men who live forgotten in these worlds of mist.
I sat in the kitchen part of the evening to feel the gaiety that was rising, and when I came into my own room after dark, one of the sons came in every time the bottle made its round, to pour me out my share.


It has cleared, and the sun is shining with a luminous warmth that makes the whole island glisten with the splendor of a gem, and fills the sea and sky with a radiance of blue light.
I have come out to lie on the rocks where I have the black edge of the north island in front of me, Galway Bay, too blue almost to look at, on my right, the Atlantic on my left, a perpendicular cliff under my ankles, and over me innumerable gulls that chase each other in a white cirrus of wings.
A nest of hooded crows is somewhere near me, and one of the old birds is trying to drive me away by letting itself fall like a stone every few moments, from about forty yards above me to within reach of my hand.
Gannets are passing up and down above the sound, swooping at times after a mackerel, and further off I can see the whole fleet of hookers coming out from Kilronan for a night's fishing in the deep water to the west.
As I lie here hour after hour, I seem to enter into the wild pastimes of the cliff, and to become a companion of the cormorants and crows.
Many of the birds display themselves before me with the vanity of barbarians, performing in strange evolutions as long as I am in sight, and returning to their ledge of rock when I am gone. Some are wonderfully expert, and cut graceful figures for an inconceivable time without a flap of their wings, growing so absorbed in their own dexterity that they often collide with one another in their flight, an incident always followed by a wild outburst of abuse. Their language is easier than Gaelic, and I seem to understand the greater part of their cries, though I am not able to answer. There is one plaintive note which they take up in the middle of their usual babble with extraordinary effect, and pass on from one to another along the cliff with a sort of an inarticulate wail, as if they remembered for an instant the horror of the mist.
On the low sheets of rock to the east I can see a number of red and grey figures hurrying about their work. The continual passing in this island between the misery of last night and the splendor of to-day, seems to create an affinity between the moods of these people and the moods of varying rapture and dismay that are frequent in artists, and in certain forms of alienation. Yet it is only in the intonation of a few sentences or some old fragment of melody that I catch the real spirit of the island, for in general the men sit together and talk with endless iteration of the tides and fish, and of the price of kelp in Connemara.

[やぶちゃん注:「冠烏」“hooded crows”はスズメ目カラス科ハイイロガラス(ズキンガラス)Corvus cornix のこと。ハシボソガラス Corvus corone の亜種とされる。ウラル山脈以西のロシアや東ヨーロッパ・北部ヨーロッパに広く棲息する。体長約50cmで雑食性、灰色の体に黒ずんだ濃紺の頭・胸と濃青色の翼を持つ。通常は高木の梢に営巣する。
「四十ヤード」約36m 強。
「をさ鳥」“Gannets”。オサドリはカツオドリの別名で、元は小笠原方言とする記載が多い。通常なら英名のこれは確かに和名のペリカン目カツオドリ科カツオドリSula leucogaster を指すのであるが、この「カツオドリ」を逆に調べてみると、英名では“Brown Booby”となっており、やや同定に躊躇する。逆に英語の“Gannet”を調べると、同じカツオドリ科のシロカツオドリMorus bassanus に“Northern Gannet”の英名が与えられている。シロカツオドリの繁殖地域は北大西洋で、現在の主な繁殖地としてアラン島に近いアイルランド南西端がドットされており、また、海を見下ろす崖や小さな岩塊の多い島に大きな集団営巣地を形成することからも、「シロカツオドリ」が有力な正式同定候補となるように思われる。


After Mass this morning an old woman was buried. She lived in the cottage next mine, and more than once before noon I heard a faint echo of-the keen. I did not go to the wake for fear my presence might jar upon the mourners, but all last evening I could hear the strokes of a hammer in the yard, where, in the middle of a little crowd of idlers, the next of kin laboured slowly at the coffin. To-day, before the hour for the funeral, poteen was served to a number of men who stood about upon the road, and a portion was brought to me in my room. Then the coffin was carried out sewn loosely in sailcloth, and held near the ground by three cross-poles lashed upon the top. As we moved down to the low eastern portion of the island, nearly all the men, and all the oldest women, wearing petticoats over their heads, came out and joined in the procession.
While the grave was being opened the women sat down among the flat tombstones, bordered with a pale fringe of early bracken, and began the wild keen, or crying for the dead. Each old woman, as she took her turn in the leading recitative, seemed possessed for the moment with a profound ecstasy of grief, swaying to and fro, and bending her forehead to the stone before her, while she called out to the dead with a perpetually recurring chant of sobs.
All round the graveyard other wrinkled women, looking out from under the deep red petticoats that cloaked them, rocked themselves with the same rhythm, and intoned the inarticulate chant that is sustained by all as an accompaniment.
The morning had been beautifully fine, but as they lowered the coffin into the grave, thunder rumbled overhead and hailstones hissed among the bracken.
In Inishmaan one is forced to believe in a sympathy between man and nature, and at this moment when the thunder sounded a death-peal of extraordinary grandeur above the voices of the women, I could see the faces near me stiff and drawn with emotion.
When the coffin was in the grave, and the thunder had rolled away across the hills of Clare, the keen broke out again more passionately than before.
This grief of the keen is no personal complaint for the death of one woman over eighty years, but seems to contain the whole passionate rage that lurks somewhere in every native of the island. In this cry of pain the inner consciousness of the people seems to lay itself bare for an instant, and to reveal the mood of beings who feel their isolation in the face of a universe that wars on them with winds and seas. They are usually silent, but in the presence of death all outward show of indifference or patience is forgotten, and they shriek with pitiable despair before the horror of the fate to which they are all doomed.
Before they covered the coffin an old man kneeled down by the grave and repeated a simple prayer for the dead.
There was an irony in these words of atonement and Catholic belief spoken by voices that were still hoarse with the cries of pagan desperation.
A little beyond the grave I saw a line of old women who had recited in the keen sitting in the shadow of a wall beside the roofless shell of the church. They were still sobbing and shaken with grief, yet they were beginning to talk again of the daily trifles that veil from them the terror of the world.
When we had all come out of the graveyard, and two men had rebuilt the hole in the wall through which the coffin had been carried in, we walked back to the village, talking of anything, and joking of anything, as if merely coming from the boat-slip, or the pier.
One man told me of the poteen drinking that takes place at some funerals.
'A while since,' he said, 'there were two men fell down in the graveyard while the drink was on them. The sea was rough that day, the way no one could go to bring the doctor, and one of the men never woke again, and found death that night.'

[やぶちゃん注:「泣唱」“keen”この語は、アイルランドの習俗で、死者に対して哀しみを表すために歌われる泣き叫びを伴った悲歌エレジーを指す。なお、ここは原文では“a faint echo of-the keen”(キーンの幽かな響き)とあるが、この“of-the”が不審である。これは一見、ハイフンに見えるが、私はこれをダッシュではないかと考えている。則ち、私はこれを、「断定し難いキーンのようなもの」として聴いたシングの気持ちを表明するものとして捉えてみたいのである。それは遠くから聴こえてくる波や風や――若しくは妖精の啜り泣きのようなものとして、シングには聴こえた。キーンであることは分かっている――分かってはいるものの――でも――そうではない――このアラン島の自然の中の――「ある不思議な声」として――シングに聴こえた「声」だったのではあるまいか?
「早蕨」“early bracken”はシダ植物門シダ綱シダ目コバノイシカグマ科ワラビ Pteridium aquilinum の若芽。
「お婆さんたちは代る代る朗吟の音頭を取つて」原文は“Each old woman, as she took her turn in the leading recitative”。これはキーンの始まりに特徴的な語りを重視した(哀悼の意を表明する)叙唱めいた、定型的な触りの悲痛な語りを言うのであろう。


 馬鈴薯の栽培は島では大概こんな畑でなされる。――その爲には可成りの金を拂つて。 ――そして季節が全く日照りの時、よい收穫の望みは殆んど常に外れる。

The other day the men of this house made a new field. There was a slight bank of earth under the wall of the yard, and another in the corner of the cabbage garden. The old man and his eldest son dug out the clay, with the care of men working in a gold-mine, and Michael packed it in panniers--there are no wheeled vehicles on this island--for transport to a flat rock in a sheltered corner of their holding, where it was mixed with sand and seaweed and spread out in a layer upon the stone.
Most of the potato-growing of the island is carried on in fields of this sort--for which the people pay a considerable rent--and if the season is at all dry, their hope of a fair crop is nearly always disappointed.
It is now nine days since rain has fallen, and the people are filled with anxiety, although the sun has not yet been hot enough to do harm.
The drought is also causing a scarcity of water. There are a few springs on this side of the island, but they come only from a little distance, and in hot weather are not to be relied on. The supply for this house is carried up in a water-barrel by one of the women. If it is drawn off at once it is not very nauseous, but if it has lain, as it often does, for some hours in the barrel, the smell, colour, and taste are unendurable. The water for washing is also coming short, and as I walk round the edges of the sea, I often come on a girl with her petticoats tucked up round her, standing in a pool left by the tide and washing her flannels among the sea-anemones and crabs. Their red bodices and white tapering legs make them as beautiful as tropical sea-birds, as they stand in a frame of seaweeds against the brink of the Atlantic. Michael, however, is a little uneasy when they are in sight, and I cannot pause to watch them. This habit of using the sea water for washing causes a good deal of rheumatism on the island, for the salt lies in the clothes and keeps them continually moist.
The people have taken advantage of this dry moment to begin the burning of the kelp, and all the islands are lying in a volume of grey smoke. There will not be a very large quantity this year, as the people are discouraged by the uncertainty of the market, and do not care to undertake the task of manufacture without a certainty of profit.
The work needed to form a ton of kelp is considerable. The seaweed is collected from the rocks after the storms of autumn and winter, dried on fine days, and then made up into a rick, where it is left till the beginning of June.
It is then burnt in low kilns on the shore, an affair that takes from twelve to twenty-four hours of continuous hard work, though I understand the people here do not manage well and spoil a portion of what they produce by burning it more than is required.
The kiln holds about two tons of molten kelp, and when full it is loosely covered with stones, and left to cool. In a few days the substance is as hard as the limestone, and has to be broken with crowbars before it can be placed in curaghs for transport to Kilronan, where it is tested to determine the amount of iodine contained, and paid for accordingly. In former years good kelp would bring seven pounds a ton, now four pounds are not always reached.
In Aran even manufacture is of interest. The low flame-edged kiln, sending out dense clouds of creamy smoke, with a band of red and grey clothed workers moving in the haze, and usually some petticoated boys and women who come down with drink, forms a scene with as much variety and colour as any picture from the East.
The men feel in a certain sense the distinction of their island, and show me their work with pride. One of them said to me yesterday, 'I'm thinking you never saw the like of this work before this day?'
'That is true,' I answered, 'I never did.'
'Bedad, then,' he said, 'isn't it a great wonder that you've seen France and Germany, and the Holy Father, and never seen a man making kelp till you come to Inishmaan.'

「ペティーコートを着て飲み物を持つて來る子供たち女たちと共に」の部分を、栩木氏は『そこへ、妖精にさらわれないようペチコートを着せられた男の子たちや女たちが飲み物を持ってくる。』と訳しておられる。原文は“and usually some petticoated boys and women who come down with drink,”であるから、現地での着衣の民俗を踏まえた意訳と思われるが、極めて興味深い。]


All the horses from this island are put out on grass among the hills of Connemara from June to the end of September, as there is no grazing here during the summer.
Their shipping and transport is even more difficult than that of the homed cattle. Most of them are wild Connemara ponies, and their great strength and timidity make them hard to handle on the narrow pier, while in the hooker itself it is not easy to get them safely on their feet in the small space that is available. They are dealt with in the same way as for the bullocks I have spoken of already, but the excitement becomes much more intense, and the storm of Gaelic that rises the moment a horse is shoved from the pier, till it is safely in its place, is indescribable. Twenty boys and men howl and scream with agitation, cursing and exhorting, without knowing, most of the time, what they are saying.
Apart, however, from this primitive babble, the dexterity and power of the men are displayed to more advantage than in anything I have seen hitherto. I noticed particularly the owner of a hooker from the north island that was loaded this morning. He seemed able to hold up a horse by his single weight when it was swinging from the masthead, and preserved a humorous calm even in moments of the wildest excitement. Sometimes a large mare would come down sideways on the backs of the other horses, and kick there till the hold seemed to be filled with a mass of struggling centaurs, for the men themselves often leap down to try and save the foals from injury. The backs of the horses put in first are often a good deal cut by the shoes of the others that arrive on top of them, but otherwise they do not seem to be much the worse, and as they are not on their way to a fair, it is not of much consequence in what condition they come to land.
There is only one bit and saddle in the island, which are used by the priest, who rides from the chapel to the pier when he has held the service on Sunday.
The islanders themselves ride with a simple halter and a stick, yet sometimes travel, at least in the larger island, at a desperate gallop. As the horses usually have panniers, the rider sits sideways over the withers, and if the panniers are empty they go at full speed in this position without anything to hold to.
More than once in Aranmor I met a party going out west with empty panniers from Kilronan. Long before they came in sight I could hear a clatter of hoofs, and then a whirl of horses would come round a corner at full gallop with their heads out, utterly indifferent to the slender halter that is their only check. They generally travel in single file with a few yards between them, and as there is no traffic there is little fear of an accident.
Sometimes a woman and a man ride together, but in this case the man sits in the usual position, and the woman sits sideways behind him, and holds him round the waist.

[やぶちゃん注:「セントーたちが一塊となつて暴れ狂ふ」“a mass of struggling centaurs”本作中でも最も印象的で劇的なシークエンスである。馬と人が一体となって、そこにかのセントウル(ケンタウルス)の、原初の神々の饗宴が再現されるのである。「無鐵砲な驅足」“a desperate gallop”は無茶苦茶なギャロップ(馬術の全速力)の意。]


Old Pat Dirane continues to come up every day to talk to me, and at times I turn the conversation to his experiences of the fairies.
He has seen a good many of them, he says, in different parts of the island, especially in the sandy districts north of the slip. They are about a yard high with caps like the 'peelers' pulled down over their faces. On one occasion he saw them playing ball in the evening just above the slip, and he says I must avoid that place in the morning or after nightfall for fear they might do me mischief.
He has seen two women who were 'away' with them, one a young married woman, the other a girl. The woman was standing by a wall, at a spot he described to me with great care, looking out towards the north
Another night he heard a voice crying out in Irish, 'mháthair tá mé marbh' ('O mother, I'm killed'), and in the morning there was blood on the wall of his house, and a child in a house not far off was dead.
Yesterday he took me aside, and said he would tell me a secret he had never yet told to any person in the world.
'Take a sharp needle,' he said, 'and stick it in under the collar of your coat, and not one of them will be able to have power on you.'
Iron is a common talisman with barbarians, but in this case the idea of exquisite sharpness was probably present also, and, perhaps, some feeling for the sanctity of the instrument of toil, a folk-belief that is common in Brittany.
The fairies are more numerous in Mayo than in any other county, though they are fond of certain districts in Galway, where the following story is said to have taken place.

巡査ピーラー」“peelers”。これは個人名に由来する珍しい古語英語である。英国の政治家であったSir Robert Peel(サー・ロバート・ピール 1788年~1850年)はウェリントン内閣内相を務めた1829年、首都警察法を通過させたが、これによりロンドンの新制警官が彼の名の愛称「ボビー」と呼ばれるようになり、後に英国全土の警官の呼称となった。また、これ以前に彼はアイルランド相に任命されてアイルランド警察を創設した際、当地の警官が彼の姓に引っ掛けて“peeler”と呼ばれたのであった(朝日新聞出版発行「とっさの日本語便利帳」による)。
「オー・ウォホイル・ソ・メー・モラヴ」原文は“mháthair tá mé marbh”。栩木氏の訳では『ア・ウアハル・ター・メー・マラヴ』というルビが振られている。最後の“marbh”はネイティヴの発音を聴く限りでは、私には「マァラルゥ」と聴こえる。


'A farmer was in great distress as his crops had failed, and his cow had died on him. One night he told his wife to make him a fine new sack for flour before the next morning; and when it was finished he started off with it before the dawn.
'At that time there was a gentleman who had been taken by the fairies, and made an officer among them, and it was often people would see him and him riding on a white horse at dawn and in the evening.
'The poor man went down to the place where they used to see the officer, and when he came by on his horse, he asked the loan of two hundred and a half of flour, for he was in great want.
'The officer called the fairies out of a hole in the rocks where they stored their wheat, and told them to give the poor man what he was asking. Then he told him to come back and pay him in a year, and rode away.
'When the poor man got home he wrote down the day on a piece of paper, and that day year he came back and paid the officer.'
When he had ended his story the old man told me that the fairies have a tenth of all the produce of the country, and make stores of it in the rocks.



It is a Holy Day, and I have come up to sit on the Dun while the people are at Mass.
A strange tranquility has come over the island this morning, as happens sometimes on Sunday, filling the two circles of sea and sky with the quiet of a church.
The one landscape that is here lends itself with singular power to this suggestion of grey luminous cloud. There is no wind, and no definite light. Aranmor seems to sleep upon a mirror, and the hills of Connemara look so near that I am troubled by the width of the bay that lies before them, touched this morning with individual expression one sees sometimes in a lake.
On these rocks, where there is no growth of vegetable or animal life, all the seasons are the same, and this June day is so full of autumn that I listen unconsciously for the rustle of dead leaves.
The first group of men are coming out of the chapel, followed by a crowd of women, who divide at the gate and troop off in different directions, while the men linger on the road to gossip.
The silence is broken; I can hear far off, as if over water, a faint murmur of Gaelic.

[やぶちゃん注:「男たちは往來に立ちもとほつて話してゐる間に、」原文“while the men linger on the road to gossip.”。「もとほる」は記紀歌謡に登場する古語で「歩き回る・徘徊する」の意である。「男たちが路上に溜まり込んで、世間話に花を咲かせている間に、」の意。]


the afternoon the sun came out and I was rowed over for a visit to Kilronan.
As my men were bringing round the curagh to take me off a headland near the pier, they struck a sunken rock, and came ashore shipping a quantity of water, They plugged the hole with a piece of sacking torn from a bag of potatoes they were taking over for the priest, and we set off with nothing but a piece of torn canvas between us and the Atlantic.
Every few hundred yards one of the rowers had to stop and bail, but the hole did not increase.
When we were about half way across the sound we met a curagh coming towards us with its sails set. After some shouting in Gaelic, I learned that they had a packet of letters and tobacco for myself. We sidled up as near as was possible with the roll, and my goods were thrown to me wet with spray.
After my weeks in Inishmaan, Kilronan seemed an imposing centre of activity. The half-civilized fishermen of the larger island are inclined to despise the simplicity of the life here, and some of them who were standing about when I landed asked me how at all I passed my time with no decent fishing to be looking at.
I turned in for a moment to talk to the old couple in the hotel, and then moved on to pay some other visits in the village.
Later in the evening I walked out along the northern road, where I met many of the natives of the outlying villages, who had come down to Kilronan for the Holy Day, and were now wandering home in scattered groups.
The women and girls, when they had no men with them, usually tried to make fun with me.
'Is it tired you are, stranger?' said one girl. I was walking very slowly, to pass the time before my return to the east.
'Bedad, it is not, little girl,' I answered in Gaelic, 'It is lonely I am.'
'Here is my little sister, stranger, who will give you her arm.'
And so it went. Quiet as these women are on ordinary occasions, when two or three of them are gathered together in their holiday petti-coats and shawls, they are as wild and capricious as the women who live in towns.
About seven o'clock I got back to Kilronan, and beat up my crew from the public-houses near the bay. With their usual carelessness they had not seen to the leak in the curagh, nor to an oar that was losing the brace that holds it to the toll-pin, and we moved off across the sound at an absurd pace with a deepening pool at our feet.
A superb evening light was lying over the island, which made me rejoice at our delay. Looking back there was a golden haze behind the sharp edges of the rock, and a long wake from the sun, which was making jewels of the bubbling left by the oars.
The men had had their share of porter and were unusually voluble, pointing out things to me that I had already seen, and stopping now and then to make me notice the oily smell of mackerel that was rising from the waves.
They told me that an evicting party is coming to the island tomorrow morning, and gave me a long account of what they make and spend in a year and of their trouble with the rent.
'The rent is hard enough for a poor man,' said one of them, 'but this time we didn't pay, and they're after serving processes on every one of us. A man will have to pay his rent now, and a power of money with it for the process, and I'm thinking the agent will have money enough out of them processes to pay for his servant-girl and his man all the year.'
I asked afterwards who the island belonged to.
'Bedad,' they said, 'we've always heard it belonged to Miss - and she is dead.'
When the sun passed like a lozenge of gold flame into the sea the cold became intense. Then the men began to talk among themselves, and losing the thread, I lay half in a dream looking at the pale oily sea about us, and the low cliffs of the island sloping up past the village with its wreath of smoke to the outline of Dun Conor.

[やぶちゃん注:「家賃」原文“rent”。土地貸借料。地代のこと。18世紀中頃からアラン島はキルデア県のディグビー一族が島の地主となったが、彼ら一族は島には殆んど居住することなく定期的な定額地代を徴収し、貧しかった多くの島民が地代を払えずに強制的な立ち退きを余儀なくされていたという。19世紀になると慢性的な主食のジャガイモの供給不足に陥り、大数の島民が国外への移民を選んだ(因みに島の人口は1841年で3,521人、1976年で1,496人、2010年現在は1,300人)。ディグビー・セント・ローレンス一族が島の所有権を売り渡し、彼らが自分達の土地としてそこに住めるようになったのは、実にシングが訪れた後の凡そ20年後、1922 年のことであった(以上はアイルランド現地旅行会社“ewe tours”のHPの「アラン島の歴史」を主に参照させて頂いた。
「コノール砦の丘ダン」原文“Dun Conor”。イニシュマーン島の“Dún Conchuir”で、現在、日本では「ドゥーン・コナー」と表記される。]


Old Pat was in the house when I arrived, and he told a long story after supper:--


There was once a widow living among the woods, and her only son living along with her. He went out every morning through the trees to get sticks, and one day as he was lying on the ground he saw a swarm of flies flying over what the cow leaves behind her. He took up his sickle and hit one blow at them, and hit that hard he left no single one of them living.
That evening he said to his mother that it was time he was going out into the world to seek his fortune, for he was able to destroy a whole swarm of flies at one blow, and he asked her to make him three cakes the way he might take them with him in the morning.
He started the next day a while after the dawn, with his three cakes in his wallet, and he ate one of them near ten o'clock.
He got hungry again by midday and ate the second, and when night was coming on him he ate the third. After that he met a man on the road who asked him where he was going.
'I'm looking for some place where I can work for my living,' said the young man.
'Come with me,' said the other man, 'and sleep to-night in the barn, and I'll give you work to-morrow to see what you're able for.'
The next morning the farmer brought him out and showed him his cows and told him to take them out to graze on the hills, and to keep good watch that no one should come near them to milk them. The young man drove out the cows into the fields, and when the heat of the day came on he lay down on his back and looked up into the sky. A while after he saw a black spot in the north-west, and it grew larger and nearer till he saw a great giant coming towards him.
He got up on his feet and he caught the giant round the legs with his two arms, and he drove him down into the hard ground above his ankles, the way he was not able to free himself. Then the giant told him to do him no hurt, and gave him his magic rod, and told him to strike on the rock, and he would find his beautiful black horse, and his sword, and his fine suit.
The young man struck the rock and it opened before him, and he found the beautiful black horse, and the giant's sword and the suit lying before him. He took out the sword alone, and he struck one blow with it and struck off the giant's head. Then he put back the sword into the rock, and went out again to his cattle, till it was time to drive them home to the farmer.
When they came to milk the cows they found a power of milk in them, and the farmer asked the young man if he had seen nothing out on the hills, for the other cow-boys had been bringing home the cows with no drop of milk in them. And the young man said he had seen nothing.
The next day he went out again with the cows. He lay down on his back in the heat of the day, and after a while he saw a black spot in the north-west, and it grew larger and nearer, till he saw it was a great giant coming to attack him.
'You killed my brother,' said the giant; 'come here, till I make a garter of your body.'
The young man went to him and caught him by the legs and drove him down into the hard ground up to his ankles.
Then he hit the rod against the rock, and took out the sword and struck off the giant's head.
That evening the farmer found twice as much milk in the cows as the evening before, and he asked the young man if he had seen anything. The young man said that he had seen nothing.
The third day the third giant came to him and said, 'You have killed my two brothers; come here, till I make a garter of your body.'
And he did with this giant as he had done with the other two, and that evening there was so much milk in the cows it was dropping out of their udders on the pathway.
The next day the farmer called him and told him he might leave the cows in the stalls that day, for there was a great curiosity to be seen, namely, a beautiful king's daughter that was to be eaten by a great fish, if there was no one in it that could save her. But the young man said such a sight was all one to him, and he went out with the cows on to the hills. When he came to the rocks he hit them with his rod and brought out the suit and put it on him, and brought out the sword and strapped it on his side, like an officer, and he got on the black horse and rode faster than the wind till he came to where the beautiful king's daughter was sitting on the shore in a golden chair, waiting for the great fish.
When the great fish came in on the sea, bigger than a whale, with two wings on the back of it, the young man went down into the surf and struck at it with his sword and cut off one of its wings. All the sea turned red with the bleeding out of it, till it swam away and left the young man on the shore.
Then he turned his horse and rode faster than the wind till he came to the rocks, and he took the suit off him and put it back in the rocks, with the giant's sword and the black horse, and drove the cows down to the farm.
The man came out before him and said he had missed the greatest wonder ever was, and that a noble person was after coming down with a fine suit on him and cutting off one of the wings from the great fish.
'And there'll be the same necessity on her for two mornings more,' said the farmer, 'and you'd do right to come and look on it.'
But the young man said he would not come.
The next morning he went out with his cows, and he took the sword and the suit and the black horse out of the rock, and he rode faster than the wind till he came where the king's daughter was sitting on the shore. When the people saw him coming there was great wonder on them to know if it was the same man they had seen the day before. The king's daughter called out to him to come and kneel before her, and when he kneeled down she took her scissors and cut off a lock of hair from the back of his head and hid it in her clothes.
Then the great worm came in from the sea, and he went down into the surf and cut the other wing off from it. All the sea turned red with the bleeding out of it, till it swam away and left them.
That evening the farmer came out before him and told him of the great wonder he had missed, and asked him would he go the next day and look on it. The young man said he would not go.
The third day he came again on the black horse to where the king's daughter was sitting on a golden chair waiting for the great worm. When it came in from the sea the young man went down before it, and every time it opened its mouth to eat him, he struck into its mouth, till his sword went out through its neck, and it rolled back and died.
Then he rode off faster than the wind, and he put the suit and the sword and the black horse into the rock, and drove home the cows.
The farmer was there before him and he told him that there was to be a great marriage feast held for three days, and on the third day the king's daughter would be married to the man that killed the great worm, if they were able to find him.
A great feast was held, and men of great strength came and said it was themselves were after killing the great worm.
But on the third day the young man put on the suit, and strapped the sword to his side like an officer, and got on the black horse and rode faster than the wind, till he came to the palace.
The king's daughter saw him, and she brought him in and made him kneel down before her. Then she looked at the back of his head and saw the place where she had cut off the lock with her own hand. She led him in to the king, and they were married, and the young man was given all the estate.
That is my story.

[やぶちゃん注:アイルランド口承の豊穣の牝牛(Glas Gaibhnenn グラス・ガヴナン)、神聖数3、アイルランド先住民族の形象化ともされる巨人(彼等“Fomoire”フォモール一族は戦いに敗れて後に海の怪物ロックランとなったともされる。巨人定番の足元の秘密の弱点もしっかり出現)、アーサー王伝説の“Excalibur”(エクスカリバー)を髣髴とさせる剣、岩礁に囚われた姫と翼を持った海の怪物(化け鯨)とその救済という英雄ペルセウスと王女アンドロメダ型の神話などなど、比較神話学的には頗る面白い内容である。]



Two recent attempts to carry out evictions on the island came to nothing, for each time a sudden storm rose, by, it is said, the power of a native witch, when the steamer was approaching, and made it impossible to land.
This morning, however, broke beneath a clear sky of June, and when I came into the open air the sea and rocks were shining with wonderful brilliancy. Groups of men, dressed in their holiday clothes, were standing about, talking with anger and fear, yet showing a lurking satisfaction at the thought of the dramatic pageant that was to break the silence of the seas.
About half-past nine the steamer came in sight, on the narrow line of sea-horizon that is seen in the centre of the bay, and immediately a last effort was made to hide the cows and sheep of the families that were most in debt.
Till this year no one on the island would consent to act as bailiff, so that it was impossible to identify the cattle of the defaulters. Now however, a man of the name of Patrick has sold his honour, and the effort of concealment is practically futile.
This falling away from the ancient loyalty of the island has caused intense indignation, and early yesterday morning, while I was dreaming on the Dun, this letter was nailed on the doorpost of the chapel:--
'Patrick, the devil, a revolver is waiting for you. If you are missed with the first shot, there will be five more that will hit you.
'Any man that will talk with you, or work with you, or drink a pint of porter in your shop, will be done with the same way as yourself.'
As the steamer drew near I moved down with the men to watch the arrival, though no one went further than about a mile from the shore.
Two curaghs from Kilronan with a man who was to give help in identifying the cottages, the doctor, and the relieving officer, were drifting with the tide, unwilling to come to land without the support of the larger party. When the anchor had been thrown it gave me a strange throb of pain to see the boats being lowered, and the sunshine gleaming on the rifles and helmets of the constabulary who crowded into them.
Once on shore the men were formed in close marching order, a word was given, and the heavy rhythm of their boots came up over the rocks. We were collected in two straggling bands on either side of the roadway, and a few moments later the body of magnificent armed men passed close to us, followed by a low rabble, who had been brought to act as drivers for the sheriff.
After my weeks spent among primitive men this glimpse of the newer types of humanity was not reassuring. Yet these mechanical police, with the commonplace agents and sheriffs, and the rabble they had hired, represented aptly enough the civilisation for which the homes of the island were to be desecrated.
A stop was made at one of the first cottages in the village, and the day's work began. Here, however, and at the next cottage, a compromise was made, as some relatives came up at the last moment and lent the money that was needed to gain a respite.
In another case a girl was ill in the house, so the doctor interposed, and the people were allowed to remain after a merely formal eviction. About midday, however, a house was reached where there was no pretext for mercy, and no money could be procured. At a sign from the sheriff the work of carrying out the beds and utensils was begun in the middle of a crowd of natives who looked on in absolute silence, broken only by the wild imprecations of the woman of the house. She belonged to one of the most primitive families on the island, and she shook with uncontrollable fury as she saw the strange armed men who spoke a language she could not understand driving her from the hearth she had brooded on for thirty years. For these people the outrage to the hearth is the supreme catastrophe. They live here in a world of grey, where there are wild rains and mists every week in the year, and their warm chimney corners, filled with children and young girls, grow into the consciousness of each family in a way it is not easy to understand in more civilised places.
The outrage to a tomb in China probably gives no greater shock to the Chinese than the outrage to a hearth in Inishmaan gives to the people.
When the few trifles had been carried out, and the door blocked with stones, the old woman sat down by the threshold and covered her head with her shawl.
Five or six other women who lived close by sat down in a circle round her, with mute sympathy. Then the crowd moved on with the police to another cottage where the same scene was to take place, and left the group of desolate women sitting by the hovel.
There were still no clouds in the sky and the heat was intense. The police when not in motion lay sweating and gasping under the walls with their tunics unbuttoned. They were not attractive, and I kept comparing them with the islandmen, who walked up and down as cool and fresh-looking as the sea-gulls.
When the last eviction had been carried out a division was made: half the party went off with the bailiff to search the inner plain of the island for the cattle that had been hidden in the morning, the other half remained on the village road to guard some pigs that had already been taken possession of.
After a while two of these pigs escaped from the drivers and began a wild race up and down the narrow road. The people shrieked and howled to increase their terror, and at last some of them became so excited that the police thought it time to interfere. They drew up in double line opposite the mouth of a blind laneway where the animals had been shut up. A moment later the shrieking began again in the west and the two pigs came in sight, rushing down the middle of the road with the drivers behind them.
They reached the line of the police. There was a slight scuffle, and then the pigs continued their mad rush to the east, leaving three policemen lying in the dust.
The satisfaction of the people was immense. They shrieked and hugged each other with delight, and it is likely that they will hand down these animals for generations in the tradition of the island.
Two hours later the other party returned, driving three lean cows before them, and a start was made for the slip. At the public-house the policemen were given a drink while the dense crowd that was following waited in the lane. The island bull happened to be in a field close by, and he became wildly excited at the sight of the cows and of the strangely-dressed men. Two young islanders sidled up to me in a moment or two as I was resting on a wall, and one of them whispered in my ear--'Do you think they could take fines of us if we let out the bull on them?'
In face of the crowd of women and children, I could only say it was probable, and they slunk off.
At the slip there was a good deal of bargaining, which ended in all the cattle being given back to their owners. It was plainly of no use to take them away, as they were worth nothing.
When the last policeman had embarked, an old woman came forward from the crowd and, mounting on a rock near the slip, began a fierce rhapsody in Gaelic, pointing at the bailiff and waving her withered arms with extraordinary rage.
'This man is my own son,' she said; 'it is I that ought to know him. He is the first ruffian in the whole big world.'
Then she gave an account of his life, coloured with a vindictive fury I cannot reproduce. As she went on the excitement became so intense I thought the man would be stoned before he could get back to his cottage.
On these islands the women live only for their children, and it is hard to estimate the power of the impulse that made this old woman stand out and curse her son.
In the fury of her speech I seem to look again into the strangely reticent temperament of the islanders, and to feel the passionate spirit that expresses itself, at odd moments only, with magnificent words and gestures.

[やぶちゃん注:「取り立てが行はれようとした」“to carry out evictions”の“eviction”とは以下の描写によって、行政による地代の支払いを行わない島民への違約罰金を含む徴収(そこには後掲されるような既に抵当物件となっている豚や牛などの家畜類の現物をも含む)としての「取り立て」や、それを支払えない場合の居住地からの「追い立て」を意味し、所謂、現在の日本の警察部隊を伴った行政代執行に相当するものである。
「極惡人」現文は“devil”。張り紙されているのが教会であるから、ここは「悪魔」と訳したいところ。更に言えば、この男の名は“Patrick”で、これはキリスト教徒でなくても我々日本人でさえ名前ぐらいは知っている、「アイルランドの使徒」と呼ばれたアイルランドでのキリスト教布教に功あった司教にして聖人“Saint Patrick”聖パトリック(“Patricius” パトリキウス 387年?~461年)に基づくから、強烈な皮肉としても機能していると考えてよいであろう。
「ピストル」“a revolver”。リボルバー。知られた回転式拳銃のことで、シリンダーへの装弾数で五発と六発のものに大別される。ここは勿論、後者。
「綫條銃」“the rifles”。「せんじょうじゅう」と読む。小銃(銃剣を装着して白兵戦が可能な銃)。ライフル。この名称は銃身内に螺旋状の浅い溝である“rifling”(ライフリング)を有する銃という意である。この旋条銃身から撃ち出されると、弾丸はこのライフリングに浅く食い込みながら発射され、それによって得られる回転運動によるジャイロ効果で弾軸が安定し、ライフリングのない滑腔銃身よりも遥かに高い直進性と低伸性(弾道の直線性と着弾時間の短かさ)が与えられ、命中精度が高まる。ライフリングは日本語では「施条」「綫条」「腔線」「腔綫」等と言う。「綫」は筋の意。
「郡執行官」“the sheriff”。主に英国で「州長官」の意で用いられた。“county (or shire)”(州)の執政長官。
「處辨されなかつた」の「処弁」は、方針を取り決めて適切に取り計らう、処理することをいう。原文は“no money could be procured”であるから、前掲の事例のようには金を工面出来なかったという意味である。
「無趣味な世界」原文“a world of grey”。そのままの「灰色の世界」の方が分かりがよい。また、この前後は日本語としては「無趣味な世界に住み、~」ではなく、「灰色の世界に在っては、~」の方がよい。
「すると二人は逃げるやうに行つてしまつた」原文は“and they slunk off”。私なら「すると二人は、つまらないと言った感じで、こそこそっと出て行ってしまった」と訳したい。
「船卸臺で多くの談判が行はれてゐたが、皆結局、牛は飼主に戾される事になつた。牛は一文にもならないから、持つて行つても明かに無駄であつた」とあるが、原文を見ると“all the cattle”とあり、ここで返還されたのは牛だけではなく、収用された豚も含む家畜類である。後半部分(原文は“It was plainly of no use to take them away, as they were worth nothing.”)で「一文にもならない」とするのは、それらの家畜類が恐らくは瘦せているか、品質も低級で、更に本土にわざわざ船移送し、市場へ運ぶその手間賃を考えると殆ど割に合わないからであろう。もしかすると執達吏のこの収用と返戻は島民への脅しや恩着せがましさを含んだ、嫌がらせのポーズででもあったのかも知れない。
「一番の惡者」“the first ruffian”。「大悪党」「極め付けのならず者」「最下劣漢」といった意。“ruffian”は古語で、元はドイツ語かオランダ語らしい。
「彼女は語り進むにつれて興奮が強くなつて行くので、その男は家へ戾らないうちに石を投げられるだらうと思つた程であつた。」原文は“As she went on the excitement became so intense I thought the man would be stoned before he could get back to his cottage.”。栩木氏はここを『石になってしまうのじゃないかと』訳しておられる。妖精が跳梁するアラン島ならではのファンタジックな訳ではあるが、先輩の英語教師にも読んで戴いたがやはり「石を投げられるであろう」と訳すとされた。前後の文脈から見ても、ここは素直に「石を投げられるだらう」が穏当であるように思われるが、如何?]


Old Pat has told me a story of the goose that lays the golden eggs, which he calls the Phoenix:--
A poor widow had three sons and a daughter. One day when her sons were out looking for sticks in the wood they saw a fine speckled bird flying in the trees. The next day they saw it again, and the eldest son told his brothers to go and get sticks by themselves, for he was going after the bird.
He went after it, and brought it in with him when he came home in the evening. They put it in an old hencoop, and they gave it some of the meal they had for themselves;--I don't know if it ate the meal, but they divided what they had themselves; they could do no more.
That night it laid a fine spotted egg in the basket. The next night it laid another.
At that time its name was on the papers and many heard of the bird that laid the golden eggs, for the eggs were of gold, and there's no lie in it.
When the boys went down to the shop the next day to buy a stone of meal, the shopman asked if he could buy the bird of them. Well, it was arranged in this way. The shopman would marry the boys' sister--a poor simple girl without a stitch of good clothes--and get the bird with her.
Some time after that one of the boys sold an egg of the bird to a gentleman that was in the country. The gentleman asked him if he had the bird still. He said that the man who had married his sister was after getting it.
'Well,' said the gentleman, 'the man who eats the heart of that bird will find a purse of gold beneath him every morning, and the man who eats its liver will be king of Ireland.'
The boy went out--he was a simple poor fellow--and told the shopman.
Then the shopman brought in the bird and killed it, and he ate the heart himself and he gave the liver to his wife.
When the boy saw that, there was great anger on him, and he went back and told the gentleman.
'Do what I'm telling you,' said the gentleman. 'Go down now and tell the shopman and his wife to come up here to play a game of cards with me, for it's lonesome I am this evening.'
When the boy was gone he mixed a vomit and poured the lot of it into a few naggins of whiskey, and he put a strong cloth on the table under the cards.
The man came up with his wife and they began to play.
The shopman won the first game and the gentleman made them drink a sup of the whiskey.
They played again and the shopman won the second game. Then the gentleman made him drink a sup more of the whiskey.
As they were playing the third game the shopman and his wife got sick on the cloth, and the boy picked it up and carried it into the yard, for the gentleman had let him know what he was to do. Then he found the heart of the bird and he ate it, and the next morning when he turned in his bed there was a purse of gold under him.
That is my story.

[やぶちゃん注:「美しい縞」原文は“a fine speckled bird”。鮮やかで美しい色の小さなが体中に散っている鳥。直前でイソップの寓話で知られる“the goose that lays the golden eggs”が出てくるものの、パット爺さんのそれはガチョウではない野鳥と思われ、それが“goose”ならば、広義のカモ目カモ亜目カモ科Anatidae の雁(鴨)の一種を想起すべきであろう。
「鷄籠」は原文“an old hencoop”で、これはわざわざ古いと言っている以上、日本の農家にあったような伏せ籠をイメージすべきであろう。
「碾割粉」原文“the meal”。ミール自体は広義に食事、狭義にはトウモロコシ・麦・豆等の穀類を挽き割って粗い粉にした食用加工品を言うが、ここは欧米で一般的な、カヤツリグサ目イネ科カラスムギ属エンバク(燕麦) Avena sativa を脱穀して粗く製粉した “oatmeal”(オートミール)と考えてよいであろう。
「翌日、子供たちが碾割の石を買ひに行くと、」これは明らかな誤訳である。原文は“When the boys went down to the shop the next day to buy a stone of meal,”で、“a stone of meal”はオートミール1ストーン(1ストーン=14ポンド≒6.35キログラム)のこと。「翌日、兄弟たちが売店にオートミールを1ストーン買いに行くと、」である。オートミールの量が多いようにも見えるが、肉体労働者の三兄弟の若者に一人娘と未亡人に(食ったかどうか分からないとは言うものの)金の卵を産むカモのフェニックスの主食の食い分としては、そして金の卵を手に入れた彼らとしては、決しておかしくはあるまい。
「それはかういふ魂膽であつた。」原文は“Well, it was arranged in this way.”で、「で、まあ、その魂胆は簡潔に纏めるなら次のような次第で。」の意か。栩木氏は『で、話をはしょれば、こんなふうに話がまとまったわけです。』と訳しておられる。ここはこの後の原文が願望形になっているために姉崎氏・栩木氏の両訳とも苦心しておられる。要は次の段落では時間が経って、この通りに店屋の主が、策略通り、この娘とフェニックスをまんまと手に入れていることを聴く者に、わざと「知らせない」(推測させる余地と同時に吃驚させようとする効果を持った)ような時制構造となっているように思われる。
「その鳥の心臟を食ふと、每朝自分の下から金の財布が見つかり、」原文は“the man who eats the heart of that bird will find a purse of gold beneath him every morning,”。“beneath him”だから、「毎朝、彼が起きるたびに彼の体の下に」ということである。一見生硬に見えるが私はそうは採らない。姉崎氏の訳は逆に『「下に」ってどういうこと?』という、本話の最後のシーンの映像をわざと隠すように逐語訳されているのであって、そもそも、この後半の途方もない“the man who eats its liver will be king of Ireland”に至っては、『どうやって?』という民話の常套的なワクワク感が醸成されているのであってみれば(それは語られないのであるが)、私は楽しい面白い訳であると思うのである。
「嘔吐劑」“a vomit”。催吐薬さいとやくのこと。“emetics”“vomiting agent”とも言う。異物や毒物を嚥下した場合に嘔吐を誘発させて胃の内容物を吐瀉させることを目的とした薬物。エメチンを主成分としたアカネ科ボチョウジ属トコン(吐根)Carapichea ipecacuanha を用いたトコン・シロップなどがある。
「ウィスキーの幾ナギンか」原文は“a few naggins of whiskey”。この“naggins”は“noggin”の訛か。発音は正に【nάgɪn】で、原義は小さなコップのことで、そこから少量の酒、一般には“1/4pint”で142ml。これは小さめのワイン・グラスに普通に注いだ量である。
「主人夫妻は布の上に吐いた」とあるが、妻は訳文でも原文でも薬を混入したウィスキーを飲んではいない。しかし吐いているからであろう、栩木氏は一回目の勝利のところで『紳士は夫婦にウィスキーを一杯勧めました。』と訳しておられる。しかし、すると妻はどうして肝臓を吐かなかったのか、という素朴な疑問が生じる。吐いたのか? ではアイルランドの王になれるそれは誰のものになったのか? 無粋と言えば無粋なのかも知れぬ。しかし私は気になってしょうがないのである。]


When the steamer is expected I rarely fail to visit the boat-slip, as the men usually collect when she is in the offing, and lie arguing among their curaghs till she has made her visit to the south island, and is seen coming towards us.
This morning I had a long talk with an old man who was rejoicing over the improvement he had seen here during the last ten or fifteen years.
Till recently there was no communication with the mainland except by hookers, which were usually slow, and could only make the voyage in tolerably fine weather, so that if an islander went to a fair it was often three weeks before he could return. Now, however, the steamer comes here twice in the week, and the voyage is made in three or four hours.
The pier on this island is also a novelty, and is much thought of, as it enables the hookers that still carry turf and cattle to discharge and take their cargoes directly from the shore. The water round it, however, is only deep enough for a hooker when the tide is nearly full, and will never float the steamer, so passengers must still come to land in curaghs. The boat-slip at the corner next the south island is extremely useful in calm weather, but it is exposed to a heavy roll from the south, and is so narrow that the curaghs run some danger of missing it in the tumult of the surf.
In bad weather four men will often stand for nearly an hour at the top of the slip with a curagh in their hands, watching a point of rock towards the south where they can see the strength of the waves that are coming in.
The instant a break is seen they swoop down to the surf, launch their curagh, and pull out to sea with incredible speed. Coming to land Is attended with the same difficulty, and, if their moment is badly chosen, they are likely to be washed sideways and swamped among the rocks.
This continual danger, which can only be escaped by extraordinary personal dexterity, has had considerable influence on the local character, as the waves have made it impossible for clumsy, foolhardy, or timid men to live on these islands.
When the steamer is within a mile of the slip, the curaghs are put out and range themselves--there are usually from four to a dozen--in two lines at some distance from the shore.
The moment she comes in among them there is a short but desperate struggle for good places at her side. The men are lolling on their oars talking with the dreamy tone which comes with the rocking of the waves. The steamer lies to, and in an instant their faces become distorted with passion, while the oars bend and quiver with the strain. For one minute they seem utterly indifferent to their own safety and that of their friends and brothers. Then the sequence is decided, and they begin to talk again with the dreamy tone that is habitual to them, while they make fast and clamber up into the steamer.
While the curaghs are out I am left with a few women and very old men who cannot row. One of these old men, whom I often talk with, has some fame as a bone-setter, and is said to have done remarkable cures, both here and on the mainland. Stories are told of how he has been taken off by the quality in their carriages through the hills of Connemara, to treat their sons and daughters, and come home with his pockets full of money.

「それは、不器用な向う見ずなまた臆病な男をば、波が此の島で生活する事を不可能にせしめるからである。」私はこの訳が好きだ。アランの人々の生死を支配している主体は、正に、この“the waves”「波」だからである。]


Another old man, the oldest on the island, is fond of telling me anecdotes--not folktales--of things that have happened here in his lifetime.
He often tells me about a Connaught man who killed his father with the blow of a spade when he was in passion, and then fled to this island and threw himself on the mercy of some of the natives with whom he was said to be related. They hid him in a hole--which the old man has shown me--and kept him safe for weeks, though the police came and searched for him, and he could hear their boots grinding on the stones over his head. In spite of a reward which was offered, the island was incorruptible, and after much trouble the man was safely shipped to America.
This impulse to protect the criminal is universal in the west. It seems partly due to the association between justice and the hated English jurisdiction, but more directly to the primitive feeling of these people, who are never criminals yet always capable of crime, that a man will not do wrong unless he is under the influence of a passion which is as irresponsible as a storm on the sea. If a man has killed his father, and is already sick and broken with remorse, they can see no reason why he should be dragged away and killed by the law.
Such a man, they say, will be quiet all the rest of his life, and if you suggest that punishment is needed as an example, they ask, 'Would any one kill his father if he was able to help it?'
Some time ago, before the introduction of police, all the people of the islands were as innocent as the people here remain to this day. I have heard that at that time the ruling proprietor and magistrate of the north island used to give any man who had done wrong a letter to a jailer in Galway, and send him off by himself to serve a term of imprisonment.
As there was no steamer, the ill-doer was given a passage in some chance hooker to the nearest point on the mainland. Then he walked for many miles along a desolate shore till he reached the town. When his time had been put through he crawled back along the same route, feeble and emaciated, and had often to wait many weeks before he could regain the island. Such at least is the story.
It seems absurd to apply the same laws to these people and to the criminal classes of a city. The most intelligent man on Inishmaan has often spoken to me of his contempt of the law, and of the increase of crime the police have brought to Aranmor. On this island, he says, if men have a little difference, or a little fight, their friends take care it does not go too far, and in a little time it is forgotten. In Kilronan there is a band of men paid to make out cases for themselves; the moment a blow is struck they come down and arrest the man who gave it. The other man he quarreled with has to give evidence against him; whole families come down to the court and swear against each other till they become bitter enemies. If there is a conviction the man who is convicted never forgives. He waits his time, and before the year is out there is a cross summons, which the other man in turn never forgives. The feud continues to grow, till a dispute about the colour of a man's hair may end in a murder, after a year's forcing by the law. The mere fact that it is impossible to get reliable evidence in the island--not because the people are dishonest, but because they think the claim of kinship more sacred than the claims of abstract truth--turns the whole system of sworn evidence into a demoralising farce, and it is easy to believe that law dealings on this false basis must lead to every sort of injustice.
While I am discussing these questions with the old men the curaghs begin to come in with cargoes of salt, and flour, and porter.
To-day a stir was made by the return of a native who had spent five years in New York. He came on shore with half a dozen people who had been shopping on the mainland, and walked up and down on the slip in his neat suit, looking strangely foreign to his birthplace, while his old mother of eighty-five ran about on the slippery seaweed, half crazy with delight, telling every one the news.
When the curaghs were in their places the men crowded round him to bid him welcome. He shook hands with them readily enough, but with no smile of recognition.
He is said to be dying.

「コンノートの男のこと」以下の話柄がヒントとなって、後にシングの名作にして問題作となる“The Playboy of the Western World”「西部の人気者」(1907年)が生み出された
「北島を支配する地主でありまた長官であつた人」原文“the ruling proprietor and magistrate of the north island”。“ruling proprietor”は「土地統治所有権者」で「地主」と訳したくなるが、先に示したようにアラン島は18世紀中頃からキルデア県のディグビー一族が島の地主となったものの、殆ど島には居住していなかったから、ここは土地所有権者から命ぜられた実質的統治と土地管理人を兼ねた職分を謂うものと思われる。“magistrate”はイギリスで比較的軽い犯罪を扱う裁判官である治安判事。従ってこことは「北島を支配するアラン諸島全体の実質統括権を賦与された土地管理人兼治安判事であった人」という意味である。
「そんな法律を、此處の住民や都會の犯罪人階級に適用するのは無理のやうに思はれる。」これは誤訳と言わざるを得ない。原文は“It seems absurd to apply the same laws to these people and to the criminal classes of a city.”で、ここは「(今、述べたような、これら(アラン島)の人々と、都会の犯罪人階層とに、同じ法律を適用するということは不条理に思われる。」と言っているのである。
「誓約した證言の全組織も一つの人騷がせの狂言となつてしまふ。」原文“turns the whole system of sworn evidence into a demoralising farce”。この「全組織」は注意深く読まないと意味が分からない。ここのポイントは“sworn evidence”「誓約した證言」、則ち、虚偽でない旨の宣誓による証言によって、揺るぎない真理性が支えられているところの“the whole system”「全組織」、全てのシステム、則ち厳粛たるべき裁判の公判が、“demoralising farce”となる、則ち、壊滅的な混乱と麻痺の様相を呈するに至る、という意味である。日本語としては、せめて「誓約した證言によって厳粛たるべき全公判も、あっという間にただの人騷がせな狂言となってしまう。」ぐらいの嚙み砕きが欲しいところである。]


Yesterday--a Sunday--three young men rowed me over to Inisheer, the south island of the group.
The stern of the curagh was occupied, so I was put in the bow with my head on a level with the gunnel. A considerable sea was running in the sound, and when we came out from the shelter of this island, the curagh rolled and vaulted in a way not easy to describe.
At one moment, as we went down into the furrow, green waves curled and arched themselves above me; then in an instant I was flung up into the air and could look down on the heads of the rowers, as if we were sitting on a ladder, or out across a forest of white crests to the black cliff of Inishmaan.
The men seemed excited and uneasy, and I thought for a moment that we were likely to be swamped. In a little while, however I realised the capacity of the curagh to raise its head among the waves, and the motion became strangely exhilarating. Even, I thought, if we were dropped into the blue chasm of the waves, this death, with the fresh sea saltness in one's teeth, would be better than most deaths one is likely to meet.
When we reached the other island, it was raining heavily, so that we could not see anything of the antiquities or people.
For the greater part of the afternoon we sat on the tops of empty barrels in the public-house, talking of the destiny of Gaelic. We were admitted as travellers, and the shutters of the shop were closed behind us, letting in only a glimmer of grey light, and the tumult of the storm. Towards evening it cleared a little and we came home in a calmer sea, but with a dead head-wind that gave the rowers all they could do to make the passage.

[やぶちゃん注:「カラハの船尾の席は塞がつてゐたので、私は船尾に置かれて、頭を船緣と水平にした。」お分かりと思うが二番目の「船尾」は「船首」の誤訳(誤植か)。原文は“The stern of the curagh was occupied, so I was put in the bow with my head on a level with the gunnel.”。“stern”が「船尾」、“bow”が「船首」、“gunnel”は“gunwale”とも書き、海事用語でガンネル・舷縁・船べりのこと。
「たとへ波の靑い割目に沈んで行くとしても、此の死は口に心地よい鹽水をくくむのであるから、普通の死に方よりは愉快であらうと私は考へた。」この「くくむ」は「ふくむ」の誤植ではない。「銜む・含む」と書いて、「くくむ」と訓じ、口の中に含むの意である。四段活用の古語であるが、五段化して明治以降も用いられた。いい響きである。――いや、私はこのシングの謂いに――限りないこの不思議なグラン・ブルーの美しさに――心うたれるのだ――“Even, I thought, if we were dropped into the blue chasm of the waves, this death, with the fresh sea saltness in one's teeth, would be better than most deaths one is likely to meet.”(“chasm”は【kǽzm】と発音し、「深い裂け目」の意)――いい台詞だ――]


On calm days I often go out fishing with Michael. When we reach the space above the slip where the curaghs are propped, bottom upwards, on the limestone, he lifts the prow of the one we are going to embark in, and I slip underneath and set the centre of the foremost seat upon my neck. Then he crawls under the stern and stands up with the last seat upon his shoulders. We start for the sea. The long prow bends before me so that I see nothing but a few yards of shingle at my feet. A quivering pain runs from the top of my spine to the sharp stones that seem to pass through my pampooties, and grate upon my ankles. We stagger and groan beneath the weight; but at last our feet reach the slip, and we run down with a half-trot like the pace of bare-footed children.
A yard from the sea we stop and lower the curagh to the right. It must be brought down gently--a difficult task for our strained and aching muscles--and sometimes as the gunnel reaches the slip I lose my balance and roll in among the seats.
Yesterday we went out in the curagh that had been damaged on the day of my visit to Kilronan, and as we were putting in the oars the freshly-tarred patch stuck to the slip which was heated with the sunshine. We carried up water in the bailer--the 'supeen,' a shallow wooden vessel like a soup-plate--and with infinite pains we got free and rode away. In a few minutes, however, I found the water spouting up at my feet.
The patch had been misplaced, and this time we had no sacking. Michael borrowed my pocket scissors, and with admirable rapidity cut a square of flannel from the tail of his shirt and squeezed it into the hole, making it fast with a splint which he hacked from one of the oars.
During our excitement the tide had carried us to the brink of the rocks, and I admired again the dexterity with which he got his oars into the water and turned us out as we were mounting on a wave that would have hurled us to destruction.
With the injury to our curagh we did not go far from the shore. After a while I took a long spell at the oars, and gained a certain dexterity, though they are not easy to manage. The handles overlap by about six inches--in order to gain leverage, as the curagh is narrow--and at first it was almost impossible to avoid striking the upper oar against one's knuckles. The oars are rough and square, except at the ends, so one cannot do so with impunity. Again, a curagh with two light people in it floats on the water like a nut-shell, and the slightest inequality in the stroke throws the prow round at least a right angle from its course. In the first half-hour I found myself more than once moving towards the point I had come from, greatly to Michael's satisfaction.
This morning we were out again near the pier on the north side of the island. As we paddled slowly with the tide, trolling for pollock, several curaghs, weighed to the gunnel with kelp, passed us on their way to Kilronan.
An old woman, rolled in red petticoats, was sitting on a ledge of rock that runs into the sea at the point where the curaghs were passing from the south, hailing them in quavering Gaelic, and asking for a passage to Kilronan.
The first one that came round without a cargo turned in from some distance and took her away.
The morning had none of the supernatural beauty that comes over the island so often in rainy weather, so we basked in the vague enjoyment of the sunshine, looking down at the wild luxuriance of the vegetation beneath the sea, which contrasts strangely with the nakedness above it.

「鱈」原文は“pollock”。タラ科コダラ Melanogrammus aeglefinus の近縁種であるようだが和名はない。条鰭綱タラ目タラ科 Pollachius 属の魚で、英語版Wiki“pollock”には Pollachius pollachiusPollachius virens の二種を載せる。形状はコダラに似るが、そっくりである。成魚の体長は1m程になり、コダラが白い体に黒い側線が走るのに対して逆に黒い体に白い側線を持つと日本版ウィキの「コダラ」にある。但し、英語版には他種を“pollock”と呼称する記載があり、例えば“Alaska pollock”タラ科スケトウダラ Theragra chalcogramma をもこう呼ぶとある。]


Some dreams I have had in this cottage seem to give strength to the opinion that there is a psychic memory attached to certain neighbourhoods.
Last night, after walking in a dream among buildings with strangely intense light on them, I heard a faint rhythm of music beginning far away on some stringed instrument.
It came closer to me, gradually increasing in quickness and volume with an irresistibly definite progression. When it was quite near the sound began to move in my nerves and blood, and to urge me to dance with them.
I knew that if I yielded I would be carried away to some moment of terrible agony, so I struggled to remain quiet, holding my knees together with my hands.
The music increased continually, sounding like the strings of harps, tuned to a forgotten scale, and having a resonance as searching as the strings of the cello.
Then the luring excitement became more powerful than my will, and my limbs moved in spite of me.
In a moment I was swept away in a whirlwind of notes. My breath and my thoughts and every impulse of my body, became a form of the dance, till I could not distinguish between the instruments and the rhythm and my own person or consciousness.
For a while it seemed an excitement that was filled with joy, then it grew into an ecstasy where all existence was lost in a vortex of movement. I could not think there had ever been a life beyond the whirling of the dance.
Then with a shock the ecstasy turned to an agony and rage. I Struggled to free myself, but seemed only to increase the passion of the steps I moved to. When I shrieked I could only echo the notes of the rhythm.
At last with a moment of uncontrollable frenzy I broke back to consciousness and awoke.
I dragged myself trembling to the window of the cottage and looked out. The moon was glittering across the bay, and there was no sound anywhere on the island.



I am leaving in two days, and old Pat Dirane has bidden me goodbye. He met me in the village this morning and took me into 'his little tint,' a miserable hovel where he spends the night.
I sat for a long time on his threshold, while he leaned on a stool behind me, near his bed, and told me the last story I shall have from him--a rude anecdote not worth recording. Then he told me with careful emphasis how he had wandered when he was a young man, and lived in a fine college, teaching Irish to the young priests!
They say on the island that he can tell as many lies as four men: perhaps the stories he has learned have strengthened his imagination. When I stood up in the doorway to give him God's blessing, he leaned over on the straw that forms his bed, and shed tears. Then he turned to me again, lifting up one trembling hand, with the mitten worn to a hole on the palm, from the rubbing of his crutch.
'I'll not see you again,' he said, with tears trickling on his face, 'and you're a kindly man. When you come back next year I won't be in it. I won't live beyond the winter. But listen now to what I'm telling you; let you put insurance on me in the city of Dublin, and it's five hundred pounds you'll get on my burial.'
This evening, my last in the island, is also the evening of the 'Pattern'--a festival something like 'Pardons' of Brittany.
I waited especially to see it, but a piper who was expected did not come, and there was no amusement. A few friends and relations came over from the other island and stood about the public-house in their best clothes, but without music dancing was impossible.
I believe on some occasions when the piper is present there is a fine day of dancing and excitement, but the Galway piper is getting old, and is not easily induced to undertake the voyage.
Last night, St. John's Eve, the fires were lighted and boys ran about with pieces of the burning turf, though I could not find out if the idea of lighting the house fires from the bonfires is still found on the island.

「パターン祭」原文は“'Pattern'”であるが、この綴りではゲール語でも検索出来なかった。この綴りは、アイルランドの守護聖人として有名な聖パトリック“Patrick”と似ている(但し、ゲール語では“Pádraig”)が、聖パトリックの祭日は3月17日で、シングの第一回目のアラン島訪問期間(1898年5月10日から6月25日。栩木氏の「アラン島」の「訳者あとがき」による)とは合わない。この6月25日に最も近いアイルランドの聖人の祭日は、アイルランド三守護聖人にしてアイルランドノ十二使徒の一人である“St Columba”聖コルンバの祭日で、6月9日である。但し、彼の名もゲール語では“St Colm Cille”(コルム・キル)で“Pattern”とは一致しないし、日附に有意なタイム・ラグがあるから違う。識者の御教授を乞うものである。
「昨夜はセント・ヂョーンの祭〔洗禮者ヨハネの誕生を祝ふ祭日、六月二十四日、その前夜は大篝火を焚き男女がその周りを躍る〕の宵祭」はラテン語名“Ioannes Baptista”(英語名“John the Baptist”)で、言わずもがな「サロメ」で知られた、「新約聖書」に登場するヨルダン川でイエスに洗礼を授けたユダヤの大預言者である。現在もヨハネの誕生日とされる6月24日はカトリックなどで彼の聖名祝日となっている。但し、ヨハネのゲール語も“Eoin Baiste”で“Pattern”には全然似ていない。……按ずるに、彼が離島したのが6月25日なら、この謂いでは「昨夜」は、シングの島での最後の夜の24日、文字通り聖ヨハネの祭日の前の晩、23日の夜ということになる。連続で24日のSt. John's dayと25日の“'Pattern'”があるということになるが、そもそもが類似した異なった起源の祭祀であってもそれが同時期にリンクして習合して、毎日がイヴと祭日の連続となっても別段おかしくはないのである(私がかつて住んでいた富山では季節の節目になると毎日どこかで祭りがあった。驚くべきことに、中学生の頃の秋祭りなどでは祭りに参加するために、学校が公欠扱いとしていた同級生さえいた。古き良き時代の名残りであった)。……しかし、にしても“Pattern”が謎であることには変わりがない……私は……やはり“Patrick”との類似が気になるのである。もしかするとアラン島では複数の聖人たちの祭日を、彼らが最も尊崇する守護聖人のチャンピオン聖パトリックに代表させて、かく呼んでいたのではなかろうか? 識者の御教授を乞うものである。
「ブリタニー地方のパードンに似た祭」“'Pardons' of Brittany”。ウィキの「パルドン祭り」によれば、フランスのブルターニュ地方に典型的な巡礼行事の一つで、『庶民のカトリック信仰に根付く伝統的な行事である』が、その起源は『ケルト人のキリスト教化がキリスト教聖職者によって行われた時代に遡ると』され、アイルランドの『セント・パトリック・デーのパレードと比較される』とあるから、これは同起源の祭りである。フランス語の“pardon”は「許し」であり、告解による神の容赦を意味する。『信者たちは聖人の墓や聖人に献げられた場所に向けて巡礼する。その場所は、ケリアン(フィニステール県のコミューン)のように、奇跡の出現と関係している場合もあるし、聖遺物と関係している場合もある。告解者の旅行は教区ごとの集団、信徒団体、その他の団体で、旗印、十字架、その他巡礼を表すものを掲げ、どの団体も華麗さ・高潔さのため他者と競い合う』。『巡礼行進のように、指定された場所で落ち合うまで巡礼は解散せず、信仰のなせるわざとして旅する努力を提供することで、名高い聖人から取りなしを得ようとする願望を象徴しているのである。これは、地上の人間たちは天上の王国か新たな約束された地へ向かって旅を続ける状況にある、とみなす、キリスト教徒の考えを反映している。この説に従うと、巡礼者たちはミサに出席する前に聖職者に対して罪を告白するよう勧められている。そしてその後に厳粛な夕べの祈りがしばしば続く。彼らは免罪を授かり、集団はキリスト教徒の救済を喜ぶためにコミュニティの祝宴に加わる。これは村祭りか移動遊園地にすら似ている体系をとる』とある。





I have come out of an hotel full of tourists and commercial travelers, to stroll along the edge of Galway bay, and look out in the direction of the islands. The sort of yearning I feel towards those lonely rocks is indescribably acute. This town, that is usually so full of wild human interest, seems in my present mood a tawdry medley of all that is crudest in modern life. The nullity of the rich and the squalor of the poor give me the same pang of wondering disgust; yet the islands are fading already and I can hardly realise that the smell of the seaweed and the drone of the Atlantic are still moving round them.

One of my island friends has written to me:--
DEAR JOHN SYNGE,--I am for a long time expecting a letter from you and I think you are forgetting this island altogether.
Mr. - died a long time ago on the big island and his boat was on anchor in the harbour and the wind blew her to Black Head and broke her up after his death.
Tell me are you learning Irish since you went. We have a branch of the Gaelic League here now and the people is going on well with the Irish and reading.
I will write the next letter in Irish to you. Tell me will you come to see us next year and if you will you'll write a letter before you. All your loving friends is well in health.--Mise do chara go huan.

Another boy I sent some baits to has written to me also, beginning his letter in Irish and ending it in English:--DEAR JOHN,--I got your letter four days ago, and there was pride and joy on me because it was written in Irish, and a fine, good, pleasant letter it was. The baits you sent are very good, but I lost two of them and half my line. A big fish came and caught the bait, and the line was bad and half of the line and the baits went away. My sister has come back from America, but I'm thinking it won't be long till she goes away again, for it is lonesome and poor she finds the island now.--I am your friend ...
Write soon and let you write in Irish, if you don't I won't look on it.

「――君は餘程前に大島で死にました。彼のボートは港に繫がれてゐましたが、その死後、風がそれをブラック岬へ吹き流し微塵に碎いてしまひました。」原文を見てみよう。“Mr. - died a long time ago on the big island and his boat was on anchor in the harbour and the wind blew her to Black Head and broke her up after his death.”「――君」のダッシュは個人名を伏せた意識的欠字。「大島」“big island”はイニシュモア(アランモア)島。栩木氏は「大島アランモアの××さん」とアランモア島の住人である故人と訳されているが、これは文脈から見てやはり「アランモア島で死」んだ、だと私は思う。面白いのは“her”で、彼はボートをかく三人称代名詞で呼んでいるのである。これは次章冒頭に示されるような人称代名詞の混同と同じであろうが……しかし、何か私には、亡くなった「――君」に殉じた彼女のように読めて、目頭が熱くなるのである……
「ゲーリック聯盟」“the Gaelic League”。現在は「ゲール語連盟」と訳される。ゲール語では“Conradh na Gaeilge”。以下、ウィキの「ゲール語連盟」より。『8世紀末から19世紀にかけてアイルランド語とゲール文化の復興を掲げてアイルランドで活動した団体。1893年7月31日にロスコモン州出身のプロテスタントであるダグラス・ハイドらによってダブリンで設立された』もので、『ゲール語復興運動の中心となり、イースター蜂起などのアイルランド独立運動にも大きな影響を与えた』とある。
「貴方の愛する友達は皆達者でゐます。――末長く、貴方の友より。」原文“All your loving friends is well in health.--Mise do chara go huan.”。ネットで調べると最後のゲール語は、“Mise”が「小生」、“do”は「あなた」、“chara”は「親愛なる」、“go”は「~よ」という感嘆詞か、「その」という指示語か、「~へ」という前置詞か? “huan”も分からない。一部の英語圏のページには英語の“hound”とあり、それだと「熱中者」「~狂」に相当するが、アイルランド語と日本語の自動翻訳機にかけると、“huan”は「ラム」(小羊)と出る(但し、全文をかけると「私の友達子羊へ」となり、これは少々疑問である)。するとこれは神の子羊(イエス)の謂いで、「神の子羊イエス様の御名にかけて――永遠に変わらぬ愛を――あなたへ――友より」という謂いであろうか? 識者の御教授を乞う。栩木氏は『わたしはあなたの変わらぬ友達』と訳され、更にここにゲール語の発音で『ミシャ・ド・ハラ・ゴ・ブアン』(底本では「ミシヤ」であるが拗音化した)とルビを振られておられる。――姉崎先生、ここにはゲール語のルビが、やっぱり、欲しかったです。
「もう一人の少年」“Another boy”という表現から、第一の手紙の主も当時のシング(27歳)より、恐らくは遥かに、年少の青年であったことが分かる。
「魚の餌」原文“baits”。これは後の少年の手紙から、“artificial bait”(擬似餌)であることが分かる。この少年の手紙は事実を一生懸命綴った素直なものである。そして、きっとシングは――少年への返事と一緒に――新しいルアーいくたりかと、そして丈夫なテグスを送ったに違いない。――]

The Aran Islands
by J. M. Synge
Part I

